Easy like Sunday Morning

Inspired and encouraged by Rose Red's toe up sockcess I took a few quiet moments this morning to actually read the instructions for the short row heel that has been the latest road block to progress with these oh so troubled socks.

Having managed the toe you'd think I would have pushed on through the heel without a pause but pause I did last November and then it became a big deal in my mind. Having to actually read instructions has been the bridge too far for months and I was starting to believe that this was too hard for me. Pah! With time, patience and the wisdom of generations of knitters to draw on I learnt to knit in the first place so with the same resources available there is nothing to fear in the knitting. Thanks to Rose Red for the advice to set aside some time to tackle this and to Wendy Knits for the original instructions. Aren't bloggers grand :o)

Here's a little PS colour to finish off with as I seem to be knitting on my greyest of projects this first PS weekend just to be contrary!


Artis-Anne said…
Oh dear I do hope you get to grips with the 'oh so troubled' socks. Some times a long pause is just what is needed to research a technique and those two links do sounds really great, thank you :) When I do eventualy try a toe up I will defo use them :)
Charity said…
I'm glad the heel became clear to you - I've always struggled with a short row heel. :0)
I'm glad you took the time to figure out the heel! Isn't it funny how hard we think things are until we really look at them and are able to understand the problem! Way to go :) Your socks will look great!!
Marianne said…
Good for you! and yes... bloggers ARE quite grand! :^)
Linda said…
Well done on sticking with the sock! Things always get clearer with a little help and a break.
Rose Red said…
I know exactly what you mean about reading through instructions - whenever I looked at short row instructions my eyes glazed over - and then I forced myself too, with the knitting in front of me, and that made it a bit easier... yay you for getting through the heel!
Bells said…
My eyes always glaze over instructions. I have no doubt I will be much the same as you when I get there. I just figured out the cast on. Don't even want to THINK about the heel yet!
raining sheep said…
I love your socks. Is that what they call a short row heel? I just started knitting socks and my heel looks different.
Anonymous said…
I think that I am surrounded by sock genii...
I can knit FairIsle with ease but sock patterns just fill me with dread. Toe up and patterned! ;)
Curly Cable said…
Well done with sorting how to do the heels, I've only ever done one short row heel and it took me ages to master the technique. Your sock is looking absoloutely super. Arrrr and "bliss", Tea and knitting on a leisurly Sunday morning, what more can a gal ask for :)
Lolly said…
ahhhh - if they could all be sunday mornings!

love the telephone booth photo for PS!

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