Competition Time

I blame the yarn fumes. I wasn't going to buy any yarn in January - not a diet but a rational thought that maybe this year I would try and knit up more than I would buy. It soon became clear that depriving myself of yarn in gloomy January when I wasn't feeling well was about the most irrational thing I could do. So when I saw some hand dyed sock yarn called Sea Spray from an ebay seller based in Cornwall I had to have it :o)

Then I saw that Get Knitted has the Knitpicks Harmony DPNs set so I just cruised on over there for a peek and managed to talk myself down from the full six pack to just trying one pack - ooh just look at them. I got the 2.25mm size as someone who shall remain nameless (but who has been wearing a nice scarf of late) sat his great bottom on my set of 2.25 sock needles and snappyed one. I think I may love these more than the Brittany's. Though the proof will be in the using - the Harmony's are ahead at the moment as they're longer, more colourful and you get six in a set so when snappying happens you still have five - love that!

So far so good you say, nothing too yarn fumey and crazy here and what was that about a competition you promised us??

Whilst on the Get Knitted site and feeling oh so good for only buying one set of the DPNs I just had to have a little look at the sale yarn and when I saw they had Lorna's Laces yarn at a great price into the basket it went. Ooh I was excited - I've ogled many pairs of socks knitted in Lorna's Laces in blogland and was itching to have a go with the stuff myself. So imagine my surprise when this beauty arrived:
Somehow I had convinced myself that this skein of Fisherman was in fact Lorna's Laces sock yarn. I did know that they did lots of different weight yarns but with the yarn fumes befuddling me and the purty colour calling me I just ignored the description and bought!

I've spent a little time with this lovely creature and searched Ravelry for some inspiration on what to make with it and the truth is I just can't think of the right thing at the moment. I don't see myself knitting with this anytime soon so I think it needs a better home. (So finally she gets to the competition.)

If you would like one skein of Lorna's Laces Fisherman (100% Wool , 500yds, recommended needle size 5mm) in colourway Irving Park then just leave me a little comment by February 16th saying what you would make with it - then next time this happens I'll know what to do with it :o) The winner will be my favourite idea and I'm more than happy to send this anywhere in the world.

To round off today's post I bring you the colour orange represented in the form of cat:


Marianne said…
Mmmm, that sea spray... what dreamy colours!
Congrats on the set of dpns! I've been wanting to get some of those, I hear nothing but wonderful things about the Harmonys...

Hmmmm.... is that a DK weight? 500yds... gosh, I don't know... I'd have to think about that.... oh... you could make a shawl, using larger needles, you know, one of the smaller scarf type shawls.
florencemary said…
Yay, competition! Hmm, I can think of something that I would like to knit with that yummilicious yarn, but I need to think a bit more about what YOU could knit with it... I will be back!

Puss is lovely!
a shawl definately in this, fabulous colour BTW:) How about forest canopy? I think that would make me try again to make one:) make a change from the socks
Charity said…
The sea spray is lovely, I think colours like that are just what you need at this time of year! :0) Sometimes a little treat is the very best thing.

The Lorna's Laces is so lovely, I've never even seen it in person before. I think the colourway is just perfect for my younger daughter, so I'd use it to make her a little cardi, or a hat, scarf and mitten set for next winter!
Rose Red said…
That sea spray yarn looks lovely - and of course you need pretty yarn to cheer you up in dull winter. And pretty sticks too - love the Harmony dpns (I bought the full set - I have no restraint!).

That LL yarn is 500 yds - wow! I'm going to be boring and suggest clapotis - for you, not me...Or Forest Canopy also a good idea. It would be like a big cuddle.
raining sheep said…
I just ordered two sizes of the harmony dpns. I am impatiently awaiting the order to come know, you watch the mail girl go by your office everyday, hoping, double fingers crossed that today is the day your harmony needles come in. Did you give them a try yet?
florencemary said…
Right, here are my suggestions! If I won the yarn (snarf, snarf), then I would love to knit the Little Girl's Sundress ( for one of my g-daughters.

If you KEPT the yarn (!), you could knit the Multidirectional Diagonal scarf ( I think it would show off the variegated yarn well and be an interesting knit to boot.

Can I have the Fisherman now please?
Linda said…
I would make both of these as my hands are freezing right now!! There would be plenty of yarn for both.
Littlelou said…
Like you, I vowed not to purchase any wool until my stash had taken a battering but.. ahh the pretty colours they hypnotise me so. So far Im staying true to my word much to my other halfs delight (oh and of course my credit cards!). So..if I was to win me some pretty pretty wool..well it wouldn't really be my fault..would it? I'd knit the Audrey beginners cable bag from this months copy of 'Let's Knit' magazine as its a kind of 'sampler' bag and will be a great opportunity to tackle cable so i can go onto knit a much desired ' Central park hoodie' (drool, drool).
Bells said…
I reckon a shawl would be perfect, something like Forest Canopy, as RoseRed said, but I reckon i'd make the Candle Flame shawl. I've been eyeing that off recently.

Gotta get me some harmonies...
Hey thanks for your help with my knitting disaster...I could not sleep last night for worring about it...MADNESS...I think I might took it behind the sofa untill after half term and see if it still makes me cry!!!Then take action according to my emotions!!!
OK the yarn...well as I am now quite uncofident about my knitting I think it would have to be a moss stitch scarg (Boden had one in the winter that I wanted to try my hand at) or a little bag with funky linning...
SueJ said…
Angel & Elephant does lovely lace yarn too! No idea what I would do with 500 yds DK as I have two lots of similar length hand dyed yarn I bought at the Harrogate Show. I need to do some maths & see what kind of scarf or shawl would result. I have just knit a 58 stitch width 'Melon' from Victorian lace Today & that used about 450 yards, that could work!
iHanna said…
your cat is cute too, just like mine. i'm starting a new knitting project soon I think. a cap?! yes a cap it will be
Janey said…
You know I am desperate to knit My So Called Scarf and I think the LL's Fisherman would be perfect!

That sea spray is dreamy...mmmm!

And the Harmony DPN's...have you tried them yet? My SP11 upstream sent me some and I am completely converted from a teeny tiny circular back to DPN's for socks. I love them! Let us know how you get on with them. xx
Donna said…
I have just discovered the pattern for an Argosy Scarf on ravelry, (as recommended by Clarabelle) and have started one. I think the fisherman would look lovely knitted up into an Argosy.
Kath said…
Beautiful colours in those new yarns - love 'Sea Spray' - very cornish! As far as the beautiful Lornas Laces, well much though I really want to knit a Forest Canopy Shawl I think I'd have to knit Elann's Luna Moth ( because I think we're all like moths to a flame when it comes to resisting pretty new yarn! Plus the pattern is flexible enough to be knitted in different weights of yarn!
Kath said…
Oh and Harmonies - how great are they? I've got my eye on those DPN's but have to keep reminding myself how little I use them and content myself with the circs!
dreamcatcher said…
This skein would be enough, I think, for a Luna Moth shawl and a fabby beret (I am obsessed with berets :-)

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