Project Spectrum: Elements is Go!

Bring on the fire.

The themes for the first two months are the element fire and the fiery shades of red, orange and pink. For me the beauty of this project is that I can be involved at whatever level works for me;I like the sense of being part of a bigger group all focussing on these themes in our own ways. Encouragement and inspiration without pressure.

My starting plan is:
  • to knit one item in an appropriate shade for the two month block
  • to add appropriate themed photos to each of my posts during the project and then collect these into a sticker set at the end
  • to participate in the Artists Trading Card swap
  • to work in some other colour/element themed creativity such baking (always happy to bring food into the equation) and maybe some embroidery?
My first knitting project will be a pair of socks in this deep rich, fiery shade - Tapis. I am making these for my guy so sadly the gorgeous and oh so fitting Flickering Flames pattern seems a little too girly. Instead I think I will stick to a plain stocking stitch sock to show off the colours as much as possible; might try an eye of partridge heel for a little interest when I get there.The first block of this project is just perfect for keeping warm to!


Janey said…
Oooooh...that sock yarn is lovely! And that fire is very tempting, is it yours?
Rose Red said…
Lovely sock yarn...maybe you could do one little flickering flame at the top of the sock?
Lolly said…
I love to hear your plans! and great photos of the fires too. Very cool! I am planning to do some baking and cooking too ;)
Marianne said…
Lovely yarn and fire! :^)
Knitted Gems said…
The yarn you picked out is just wonderful and represents the fire element so well.
florencemary said…
Beautiful yarn and interesting plans afoot, Sarah! Hope you're keeping nice and warm? Have a good weekend!
yvette said…
Your sock yarn is gorgeous, we need some heat here as its freezing!
Happy sock knitting.
What a lovely colorway! Those socks will look great :)

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