Other PS Fire Knits?

As well as the Fiery Socks I have another couple of colour appropriate knits already underway that it would be good to get some work in on over the next two months. I'd like to think I might finish one or even both, but I'd feel happy with just some visible progress and I think the inner knitter may be in agreement as she would like to be wearing one of them and seeing her Mama in the other.
Knit One is the long hibernating Moonlight - I put this away last summer as it is such a winter woolly. The back is done so I'm a good portion in; sleeves or fronts next is the question?
Knit Two is the fresher on the needles Cabled Cardigan; look at those red needles - what could fit better with the current scheme. Focussing on the colours does give me a boost to get to work on the malingerers, it's like seeing a different side to them. It would be nice to have a finished item to give to Mum for Easter; I'm mid sleeves here and then just one front, seaming and collar to go. Definitely doable so long as the inner knitter complies :o)

Todays post is brought to you by the colour red in car form - these are made in Oxford, though I found this one in Cornwall.
Beep, beep!


Marianne said…
Oh for heavens sake, you got hit by the little blue pill..sheesh.

The WIPS are wonderful, the Moonlight yarn is such a rich, gorgeous red! and lovin' those red needles!!!
Daughter Havala wants a car like that :^)
Charity said…
Yikes, Sarah, you might want to delete your first comment on this post!

Love all the WIPs, those colours are so right for this time of year, so warming. I love the Moonlight, you're coming up with a great fabric! :0)
Sarah said…
Thanks lovely ladies for your comments, I got rid of that first post, ah the perils of the internet!
Sarah said…
Hi Sarah

I've not visted your blog for so long! I love your current knits and those red needles are great. I'm so jealous of your new swift.
Anonymous said…
Wow, I love the idea of fire as a knitting theme :) Are you planning the firestarter socks too?
Beautiful yarn on the first picture, wonderfully tweedy and rich, what is it?
Rose Red said…
Love that Moonlight pattern. I think maybe do the sleeves first...the colour is (of course) divine!
Linda said…
The knits are lovely colours. Moonlight is going to be so lovely.
Great WIPs! Such lovely colors :) I think I might go for the fronts first.

LOVE the car...I want one :D
Seahorse said…
I love all your PS stuff!

Great looking WIPs too :)
Knitted Gems said…
I have red needles just like those. They make me smile every time.
I say you work on the front of the Moonlight next. Sleeves tend to kill my enthusiasm; I don't know why.
I love all the perty yarns you are using in your projects!
Anonymous said…
Is that picture of the car taken down at Seaton? Looks like the big houses down there in the background. Might be going down there to walk the dog later.
Sarah said…
Yes! Well spotted Anni

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