
Not two rounds per row then?

The saga of the LMKs continues, I clearly spoke too soon last night when I claimed the worst was past and will spend tonight trying to get the toe back on to needles and get back to where I was last night when I actually read the pattern.

I'm going to put this baby on some dpns this time; I hereby pronounce magic loop as too fiddly for me. Crossing that off the list of things to try.


Anonymous said…
I hate it when a pattern does that! It is almost as bad as the famous 'whilst at the same time' a paragraph after you just knitted past where the decreases should have been.
I guess they are becoming LoveMeNots instead?
Glenna C said…
Oh no! Ripping always hurts, even when it's necessary. I sympathize!
Janey said…
Magic Loop is definately for me either, my sympathies!
Janey said…
NOT for me either!!
Marianne said…
Oh yargh, me hearty... sigh.
heh, 'lovemenots'...
sheep#100 said…
Illusion knitting is a bit odd seeming at first.
Linda said…
How wierd, must look into that illusion knitting!
Clare said…
ah, that stumped me a bit too, each row of the chart is 2 rows of each colour (i am guessing you moved on a row with the chart each time you switched colour?)
love the colour combo though, they'll be great when they're done! xxx
Bummer! Sorry you had to rip it out :(

I really hope the DPNs work much better for you!!

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