Ground to a Halt

After Monday things really stopped altogether here - not even any knitting going on, just lots of this:and not in a good "book finishing indulgent" kind of a way. Ugh. I think I must be on the mend though as I've managed a few rows on the cardi this afternoon. The knitting thermometer reading is looking better. Here's to a more fun filled fantabulous week next week.


Marianne said…
I'm taking that photo as in all tucked in bed... not feeling well at all. Glad to hear you're on the mend and wish you the best of knitting this week!
Linda said…
Poor you, at least you are on the mend now.x
Janey said…
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Anonymous said…
Get well soon!
Rose Red said…
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Piglottie said…
Hope that you are on the mend soon. *hugs*
Tusa said…
Oooh, poor you! Hope you feel better soon.
Littlelou said…
Are you feeling better now? Hope so!
Seahorse said…
Hope you're better now!
Modelwidow said…
Just catching up with a wander round blogland, so hope that by now you are feeling much better.
(Mind you with the weather like it has been today - bed seems the best place)

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