The Raven has Landed

My yarn ball arrived! I don't think it could have been more perfect if I'd wrapped it up and sent it to myself. No surprise that I wasn't the patient type that would wait and knit through the ball finding the presents on the way, goodness I didn't even have time to photograph the giant ball before I had to investigate what was in there - answer:
A completely overwhelming haul of lovely, thoughtfully chosen things - Clover Chibi needles and needle holders, Burt's Bees lip balm and cuticle cream, notepad, paperclips, stamp, chocolate, magnets, a shell pendant, handmade tissue holder, a bead S and the world's cutest pincushion:
And the yarn that held all these treasures? It's my holy grail of yarn - the yarn I've loved from afar - the yarn that the Pacific Northwest did not want to sell me last year. Wendy sent me a corvid in yarn form and I don't think I've stopped flapping with excitement yet.
Yes it really is Socks that Rock in Thraven - oh me, oh my - what pattern shall I choose for it?

For how the yarn ball looked before the frenzy of unwinding see it all wrapped up here at Wendy's post. And yes Wendy I'd do this swap again in a heartbeat too! Thank you so much once again and thank you T for organising.


That is a great package of yarny fun! I love the pin cushion.
Rachel said…
What fun! Although tsk tsk for not waiting to find your surprises as you knit. :) I'm going to have to see if I can show some restraint when mine shows up soon! And that hedgehog pincushion. Oh my, that is so freakin' cute! Love it!!
Anna said…
Great haul! The yarn looks beautiful and like it was well worth the wait! I look forward to seeing what you decide to make with it.
Lea said…
what a fantastic swap - and I have always wondered what one of these magic yarn ball thingies actually looks like. I need to go and make that hedgehog now
sheep#100 said…
What a lucky knitter you are!
Wendy said…
Yay!!! I'm so glad you like it :)
Anonymous said…
you sound so happy! I love STR Thraven - excellent yarn to long for!

And the pincushion!! Love love love!
raining sheep said…
WOW WEEEEEE! that is an awesome haul! That must of been a huge ball. What wonderful items in it. Someone definitely loves you :)
Lynne said…
My! you have been truly blessed!
Rose Red said…
Oh wow, what a great yarn ball! It must have been huge before you unwrapped it!!
DrK said…
that is some haul! what an excellent swap! thraven is truly to die for. yay!
Linda said…
Oh how fabulous! That yarn is just lovely and all the other little bits!
Anonymous said…
Fabolous swap parcel. Love STR. Got a few skeins in my stash now. Just need time to knit with them.
Wow! What a great swap, the hedgehodge pin cushion is so cute and I love the colour of your yarn ball.

Looking forward to seeing what you make.
ImplausibleYarn said…
That is a wicked cute hedgehog cushion! I understand the pain of not being able to acquire something you've looked long and hard for. One of these days I'm gonna have to get my hands on a skein of str and see what all the fuss is about.
dreamcatcher said…
What a brilliant swap :-) Love the yarn too.
marycatharine said…
That looks like the perfect package - what a sweet little hedgehog.

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