"As in knitting, as in life"

Whilst admiring Bells beautiful steeked jacket the other day I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly with her suggestion of knitting as a metaphor for life and mentioned my little "as in knitting, as in life" mantra I'm often mumbling.

You know how it goes - the pattern/recipe you modify without noting down the changes = a hard to replicate FO/dish. As in knitting, as in life. The one more row/I'll just finish this before I go to bed mentality = dropped stitches/botched job. As in knitting, as in life. The jump in head first without proper swatching/preparation = ill fitting knit/ill realised project. As in knitting, as in life.What it all boils down to is the big WIP of life - we knit, we make mistakes, we learn, we adapt, we pick up those dropped stitches, we live with the imperfections and we get better at it all. So for anyone who knows that it is all about the knitting take this blog button and display it proudly in your sidebar, link back to the blog you get it from and we can form a blog ring of people that know that although life is like a box of chocolates, it's more like a piece of knitting.


Bells said…
Nice one. I'm so glad you did this. Great button, great write up. It shall be on my blog before too long!
Marianne said…
What a fabulous post! I'll be getting the button within the next few days... being very busy just really.... sucks.
Rose Red said…
I love it - will definitely add to my blog (and it's red! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)
Janey said…
Another of your lovely posts! I will grab the button and proudly display it later!
Terri said…
Very well put:-)
florencemary said…
What a lovely post - a concept that, believe it not, has never occurred to me. I tend to think of knitting as a way I can zone out from what's going on around me. I need to think about this one... (in the meantime, I'll nick the button, but I'm not very good at doing the link thing in Blogger - I will try!).
Sarah Ditum said…
I'm mortified by what my knitting says about my life. A dread of finishing? A pathological anxiety about old mistakes which makes me try to take the crochet hook to them 12 rows on? A terror of other people's judgement which makes me keep my FOs bundled up in a draw for occasional use? ;) It's a lovely idea - perhaps I'm just overthinking it...
raining sheep said…
This is all so true!!! I am certain all of us knitters identify with every word you wrote. Knitting has taught me quite a bit about myself, how I exeucte projects, make decisions, and has illustrated some of my personality quirks....I love knitting/life.
Veronique said…
That concept really resonates with me! I'm definitely putting your lovely button on my sidebar :)
Great post! I love the button; thanks for sharing :)
SueJ said…
So right! I can grab the button (& I will), put it on my sidebar....Yes I can do that, Link it hmmmmm... That might take some thinking about but I will do it if I can.
dreamcatcher said…
Couldn't agree more, the button is now on my blog, linked back to you :-)
von said…
Better late then never...I've linked :o)
kathryn said…
Thanks for this. I'm a bit late but it's linked!

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