And the winner is...

...ME! No I didn't gift my prizes back to myself but I did win the most wonderful set of comments. Thank you all so much - reading them was a like a virtual hug; so glad you enjoy reading here as much as I enjoy reading your blogs. So glad we have this unique community.

Now the actual winner of the draw is the lovely Rose Red , Rose - I hope that you like your prizes as much as I liked choosing them :o)

I had meant to do a drawing like Suzie's - just the prettiest prize draw I ever saw but life has overtaken me this week as has been typical for the last couple of months.

Still relief in the form of this cute hotel is just a few more hours away:

A weeks holiday here, lots of great yarn shops to visit - I can tell it's going to be a great December!

Before I run off to pack I must say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to the fantabulous Piglottie for my wonderful PIF gift - not just a gifted knitter the Piglotster is a great seamstress and card maker extradordinaire. Thank you wonderful Piglottie. I shall be tucking a sock project for my Dad's Christmas present in the lovely bag to take on my travels. Beautiful and practical - can't ask for more than that!

My own PIFers, Von and Little Lou - I haven't forgotten you - I have chosen the projects and will be straight on to them after Christmas. Also I still have one space available if anyone fancies being PIFed :o)

Happy December to you all.


Seahorse said…
Oooh, have a lovely holiday! What a great place to be visiting.

Gorgeous PIF gifts!
Marianne said…
LUCKY you with the holiday! Have fun!
Those are beautiful PIF gifts!
Linda said…
Have a lovely time! I love the look of Pigliottis bag she made you, beautiful.
Ooh. Your parcel from Piglottie looks amazing. Have a good holiday.
Rose Red said…
Squeeeeeeeeee! Thanks so much Sarah, how exciting!

Your package from Piglottie is fabulous (as is the quilt underneath it - did you make it? One day I aspire to make someting so lovely!

Have fun in SF - am so jealous!!
Tusa said…
Have a wonderful time away. That hotel looks lovely. Can’t wait to see your purchasing adventures.
von said…
Wow! What a fabulous PIF gift. I'm looking forward to getting mine (no rush!) and also really excited about making a start on the gifts I'll be giving (in the new year). I still have two spaces available if anyone is interested...
Piglottie said…
Just catching up with blog posts so am uber late in replying, but glad you like your PIF gift. I enjoyed making it for you :)

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