A Momentous Day

Tomorrow is a momentous day in the life of this little blog - 1 whole year old. While I have been a bit low on blogging/life energy for the last couple of weeks (see below for the latest in the series of "How Sarah Feels as Demonstrated by Her Cats") I have felt lifted by your get well wishes and have as ever been enjoying reading your blogs.I don't need to tell you all what a magic place the blogosphere is and I have very much enjoyed participating for the last year; I love this unique medium of communication and have come to value my blogging friends very dearly. I have been a very lucky blogger during the past year, not just in the lovely, funny and helpful comments people leave but also in winning many prizes and now it is time to offer up a blogiversary prize draw to say thank you.I've gathered a few things made by independents as the blogworld has introduced me to many wonderful small suppliers and home crafters. I loved spending time on Ebay and Etsy finding these little bits and hope that there are some things here that will appeal to you my crafting friends. If you would like to enter then please leave me a comment on this post by Wednesday November 28th and I plan to draw a winner the following day. Happy Blogging Everyone.


blog-blethers said…
Cats have just the right idea of what to do in this horrible weather, haven't they? Mine are all curled up just like yours ... and one of our's snores!

Happy Blog Birthday too ... and what a generous idea for celebrating it.
happy blogaversary:) Think your cat has the right idea today, it has never stopped raining all day
Floderten said…
Ooh, I love competitions.. I never win, but it's fun joining anyway. ;) Just for the sake of it!

Seems like the "blah" feeling has been going around for a while now.. I know I've been feeling it too! Knitting mojo has been stolen by Dr. Evil... *sigh*

I don't comment often, but I read your blog regularly. :) Happy blogvisary!
(there must be a million ways to spell that word.. ;))
Janey said…
Well I'm going to add my spelling... Happy Blogiversary! I was surprised to hear you've only been 'at it' for a year, your posts are always funny and your photos make me green with envy. You obviously have a great deal of talent, both at blogging and knitting!

Hope you're starting to feel better. I've been poorly too and hence the knitting has been slow slow slow!
Linda said…
Happy, happy, blogiversary! I love the look of your prizes, the little badges look interesting, so I just had to comment!
Lin x
Anonymous said…
Happy Blogiversary!
Your cat can sense the bad weather coming...time to hibernate.
Rose Red said…
Happy blogiversary! Have enjoyed reading your blog - I'm very glad I found you (or you found me, I think that came first!). Love that little crochet button...must look around more on etsy I think!
ikkinlala said…
Happy blogiversary!

It looks like your cat has started expressing my feelings too.
florencemary said…
Cats! They certainly live the good life, don't they? I'm currently suffering with a cough/cold, so I sympathise, Sarah, and the weather's not helping...

But not all is bad! All hail to your 1-year-old blog! Onwards and upwards, girl!
Marianne said…
Love the photo, I get so tickled seeing the kitties curled up like that :^)

Happy Blogiversary! I am so happy you're 'here'... I love your blog and seeing/hearing about what you're up to, where you've been, it's always a Very Pleasant Visit to make!

Ack to the 'blahs'... it'll pass, just let it go, wave 'bye bye' and warn it not to let the door bump it's arse on the way out ;^)

Feel better soon... sending hugs :^)
Happy Blogiversary!!!

I hope you're feeling better. Your cat has the right idea :)
Curly Cable said…
Happy Blog Birthday, Your cat is so cute, Sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly, hope you feel better soon, but keep snuggly with lots of hot drinks :)
Piglottie said…
Happy Blogversary! Hope you feel better soon hun - I must admit, my blogging mojo has gone atm.
Reckless Glue said…
happy anniversary! I for one am so glad to have found your blog!
sheep#100 said…
I somehow don't think the brownie would make it through customs without going stale :o(

Cute kitty
Happy Blogday! I don't always comment either, but I peek a lot!
Seahorse said…
Happy Blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog and looking at your gorgeous pictures :)
Modelwidow said…
Happy blogiversary from me too. and here`s to many more.

And I`m with your beautiful cat, I`d love to curl up with my paw over my nose and ignore the world!
Or perhaps I`ll just join my cat who has wriggled under the duvet and put himself to bed.
yvette said…
Happy Blogiversary and thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy christmas knitting too!
p.s I want to be a cat looks like the best fun.
Littlelou said…
Well done you on a year of blogging. I am finding it very difficult to post at the mo as I'm so wrapped up in Ravelry!! So congrats!!

Can I ask where you got the knit badge?
Artis-Anne said…
First of all ,thank you so much for your lovely comments, yet again on my blog, and a Happy Blogiversary to you. I totally agree re Blogging and its like being part of an on-line family :)and we all understand when we are not up to doing as much. I always love reading your blog as your warm personality shines through.
What an adorable cat you have
dreamcatcher said…
Congratulations on a year of blogging! That's a great picture of our cat - just the kind of weather this past week to curl up like that :-)

What a lovely prize you have put together there! I must say thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog too :-)
Anonymous said…
Happy blogging anniversary. I agree with how fantastic the online knitting world is. My husband don't understand how virtual friends can become read friends. It's a bit like having penpals. Lots of them without having to write longletters to everyone. And knitters are so friendly.
Happy blog anniversary and I so hope you get your creative vibe by soon...
Suzie Sews
PS Thanks for the lovely comment you leaft me:-)

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