Very un-Mean Reds

However for all the need for red I'm enjoying this month so much more than I normally do. Something about the bout of snow here has given me permission to start the year at a more Sarah-ish speed. I can't get up for January and its new this, new that-ness, I need to just hunker down and for once it feels like many people around me are doing the same. It's as if the focus has shifted to the basics of everyday life. Getting about, getting provisions, keeping warm have all required more care and attention and in spending more time on them they've become events in themselves rather than background chores to get out of the way and then move on to doing more more more.
Don't get me wrong I'm excited to go the supermarket in the car this weekend and stock up on some heavy items that didn't get carried home on foot last weekend! The novelty of certain tasks could soon wear off but I hope I don't lose the sense of how to let the quietness of winter take centre stage. I want to remember throughout the year that time spent on humdrum things will lift them into part of this life well lived and give me the sense of accomplishment that I often only feel with my knitting.
It's interesting watching you Brits from afar - on the news, on the net etc - this has really been a different kind of winter and there's a real mix of love-hate it seems. I'm glad you're enjoying the slower pace of life!
I used to not like Winter, but then I made friends with it, embraced it you might say and I LOVE Winter now, possibly more than any other season. I have my own reasons but mostly because it does slow it all down.
love the collage and i want more red in january. :)