A new project, an old way

Another January weekend = time for casting on another new project.
A little cardigan for one of the several babies that one of several friends are busy growing right now. It promises to be quite the year for hatching amongst my friends so I've been checking out a whole new section of patterns.

It occurred to me the other day that in my three and a bit years of knitting I have never gone to a yarn shop and looked at their patterns and bought a pattern and the yarn then and there. So I did. I tell you the excitement never stops round here, if I tell you I cleaned out the food cupboard too I know you'll be blown away by my weekend :o)
I checked out the yarns, decided that the Baby Bamboo was the right mix of practicality/affordability/knit desirability and looked at the folder of patterns. It was really quite soothing to have a reasonably small selection of patterns. Sometimes looking at all the patterns on the kniternet I just don't know where to begin. This little bubs hasn't expressed her style just yet so it was nice to have some parameters enforced.

It was also super exciting to get home, get the yarns out of the bag and just get knitting with the excitement of the pattern choice and yarn kill fresh in the air! Little things for little people should mean quick FOs I hope :)

This is the way I remember my Mum shopping for a new project and I think it's something I'll enjoy doing again - though please don't take my internet away, some days I like endless options and I am looking forward to making these free online baby patterns.


Linda said…
I love to go browsing in the LYS but always go away with nothing, the guilt of the stash at home thing! That little knit will be sweet in the stripes.
marycatharine said…
That sweater is going to be darling! The only time I can remember purchasing a pattern and yarn together was for my first sweater. My nana took me to Lewis Craft and let me pick everything and then taught me to knit. I've had a stash ever since.
Charity said…
That's a sweet little pattern! Your baby knits will be well loved, I'm sure. :o)
DrK said…
what fantastic colours! i am totally in love with bamboo at the moment, so i cant wait to see how this turns out.
Rose Red said…
You know, I don't think I've done that either (pick pattern AND yarn at LYS) - definitely not for a very long time anyway. Sounds almost like a luxury to do it (which is a bit dumb - the real luxury is the huge stash at home!!).

Love those colours - you can't go wrong with black and white and a touch of red!
Kelly said…
I've disappeared down the rabbit hole of knitting baby clothes too. So many friends having babies, and there's something irresistible about the small project size, and the fact that fit doesn't matter much - it will always fit the baby at some point.

I didn't thank you properly for the yarn you sent. It arrived between Christmas and New Year's, and got me very excited. I haven't decided what to make yet. I may just pet it for a while longer! Thanks a bunch.
Anonymous said…
i began my knitting life just that way. I used to walk over to a shop near my work sometimes, browse a while and then buy then, or go back later for a rethink, then buy a pattern and the wool. I loved it!

I distinctly recall finishing a project one day and realising I had nothing to go on with, so got in the car, drove across town, chose new wool and a new pattern and drove back home. How quaint!!
Lea said…
it can be fun - or frustrating. I only discovered internet and yarn shopping about 18 months ago. I spent less before then! the little jumper is gorgeous
mooncalf said…
Baby bamboo is such a great yarn and I really like the non pastels that they've brought out.

I popped into Masons on Saturday to see if they had any new season books in. It was even more busy than normal - I wonder if we were there at the same time?
Kai said…
awww so sweet!

you know i don't think i've ever been to a yarn shop and picked a pattern and yarn then and there.. i might give this a go! :)
Petit Filoux said…
The aviatrix baby hat is so cute!!! You have to make that one!!
sheep#100 said…
Thanks for making me laugh.
Marie said…
I love the sailor-inspired sweater and hat. It looks so darling on the baby. I can't wait to see your sweater completed. Happy knitting!
raining sheep said…
Nothing more classic then stripes! I love the project and bamboo yarn is one of my favorites because it is so soft.
Lynne said…
Yep, that's how it was in my childhood too - and it was that way when I knitted my first ever "all by myself" garment (and probably several more after that!) Alas, that LYS is now gone and my local one is the only one for many kilometres! So let's enjoy them while we have them but don't take the Knitternet (or is it Interknit) away!
Rachel said…
This is going to be a cute little knit! Pattern and yarn buying at a LYS was how I started my stint as a knitter...but being in a small town with only a corner of the quilt shop dedicated to yarn left me wanting more. I think I'd like the satisfaction of doing that more though...instant gratification!

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