Excitement: in the form of New Toys and Snow

Ah Christmas, almost a distant memory but the fun of some of my gifts will live on and on:
Exhibit A: a TOYota ball winder. (And there are two great books in the back of these shots that I'll post more about soon.)
Makes the most delicious yarn cakes. I didn't even know I wanted one of these, thought that the swift devised and handmade two years ago was enough for me, but perhaps that's because I normally 'employ' a labourer for the ball winding. He could see the benefit of a winder! This was wound at the weekend and I should have had a Koolhaas well on the way by now but needle trouble is slowing me down - ah poor neglected labourer!

Newest excitement is that Oxford finally got some of the snow that's been drifting around much of the UK for a while now. This was from our back door step at 7am.Garden photos are mine, other Oxford shots from the 1TB as he ventured out while I stayed snug and got to work from home. I love the snow so long as I don't have to get anywhere!Definitely the most snow I've seen in one go in Oxford and more forecast for tonight.


Marianne said…
I'm with you on that one, loving the snow as long as I can stay home (I do enjoy playing in it).
Those photos are Beautiful! Truly Winter Wonderland!
yay and congrats on your new ball winder!
Charity said…
Swifts & ball winders really are all kinds of awesome fun! I'm knitting a Koolhaas right now - we'll have to compare notes! :o)
Petit Filoux said…
Very pretty photos!! I heard it went down to -18 degrees in Oxfordshire too, how crazy?!
Love the ball winder too!
Caffeine Girl said…
Oxford is so beautiful with snow! It reminds me of New England here in America.
Rachel said…
I squeeeee over my swift and winder every time I start a new project! And you just reminded me that I need to blog my Koolhaas...it's been done and worn repeatedly for months!

Pretty snow!
Lynne said…
I love my wool winder - such a useful item.

Ah snow! Pretty to look at but don't want to live with it!
sheep#100 said…
I just finished winding over a pound of merino. Took me over an hour: tangled skein. On the plus side, I found no knots!

Enjoy your toys :o)
T. said…
It looks like Canada!!! (with a British flair of course)
Kyoko said…
I have been living in the UK since 92 but I don't think I remember any years that snowed so many days with so much chaos on the road. Though I do like the snow. Love your photos!
Yep, I can totally see you are having loads of fun with the ball winder! Great gadget!
lucy said…
Ok, I want to live right there on that street and live out my london winter dreams!

Enjoy that ball winder and the new year! I just got one a week ago and wondered why i never bought one earlier.
Rose Red said…
Oh, Oxford in the snow! Oh my, how I wish I could be there to see it for real (although I don't fancy the cold, I must say...). Beautiful photos!

I love my swift and ballwinder. When I first got the ballwinder I even rewound yarn that was already in balls!
Anna said…
Such pretty snow pics! And what a great present!!
marycatharine said…
Fun toys and snow! The pictures of Oxford in the snow are wonderful!
michele said…
love the photos! truly beautiful and peaceful looking, surprised how much it looks like my home in Muskoka. We had 40 inches of snow in one day this past December!
Val said…
Your photos are lovely. The streetlights in the winter street--so pretty!

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