Finding beauty

Oh there was beauty to be found in the sparkling silver parcel that was waiting on the doorstep when I got home on Friday. A great start to my first yarn club. Here's a little spoiler shield in case any Knit Love club members who haven't had their parcel yet are reading here (and because the owls are so darned cute)..
And now on to the socktacular beauty.
Oh my the yarn! Alchemy Juniper - not something I've ever got my paws on before - a plumptious 100% merino. The colour is so warm and rich, the label says that inspiration comes from the natural world and this is so like the gold of certain lichen. Absolutely amazing. The beautiful pattern - Rumpled - designed by Alice is so clever, beautiful texture and detail but not overly complicated to knit.

If all that wasn't enough the labels also have little quotes on the back, while knitting this sock I can ponder the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson "Though we travel the world to find beauty, we must carry it with us, or we find it not."

Or for this yarn, Frankie Valli also has something to say "You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much."


Melissa said…
The colour of the yarn is gorgeous, and the pattern just looks like fun. I can't wait to see the finished socks!
Charity said…
Oh, sock clubs are so fun! What a nice treat - enjoy! :o)
Anonymous said…
looking at your work, I realise I am horribly neglectful of my sock knitting lately. You are inspiring me!
T. said…
Oh - that colour is amazing.
Rachel said…
Oh my...that is simply gorgeous. Which yarn club is it?
Kyoko said…
What a gorgeous socks (and love the needles too).
The colour really goes well with the lovely pattern.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Rose Red said…
Wow, that looks just amazing!! What a great package!
t does wool said…
those socks look fabulous!!
what a fun knit club
Linda said…
Gosh, that yarn is a beautiful colour. Your knitting is gorgeous too.
sheep#100 said…
Oh, wow, gorgeous yarn, that.
Lori said…
WOW, that's an incredibly beautiful combination of great color plus fascinating pattern. I hope both are available outside the club.
raining sheep said…
Ahem, I am salivating all over my computer screen. Merino? 100 per cent? Gorgeous sock? I really, really have to finish off my pink thing and start up on a pair of socks. I miss my sock knitting. I can't get over the beautiful color of that merino.
Lucie said…
The colour is like liquid sunshine and the design is great. Looking forward to the socks!
DrK said…
oh my lord, look at that!! what an awesome colour and that pattern is so gorgeous, im with bells, back to socks i go!!
marycatharine said…
Wow! Those are going to be beautiful socks!

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