This Friday night I have a date...

...with a lovely bit of fluff.
Hope your Friday night partners are as delightful.


Anonymous said…
Lovely squishy looking Friday partner! No knitting for me tonight, I'm afraid :(
Kai said…
Yum yum! and in one of my favourite colours too!! :)

I'm knitting on Gathering Intentions.. sleeves are so boring!
Glenna C said…
How beautiful! That looks so luxurious.

I am still knitting away on my sock love today, it is what is travelling with me. c
Lynne said…
Yep! I finished the Gucc mitts [post coming] and started the Federa beanie! Can you guess I was watching the tennis?
Linda said…
Lovely bit of fluff there! I did some of my kimono scarf which I have had to restart due to a silly mistake!
T. said…
Your date is cute!!
Unknown said…
Now that is my kind of date night! Beautiful!
dreamcatcher said…
Ooh pretty! Makes me want to start my KSH cardi right away :-)

On Friday night I was knitting in a very similar shade but a huge contrast in weight - Rowan Cocoon!
raining sheep said…
Now that is the kind of date I love!! There are no disappointments there.
blog-blethers said…
lol Your project is so much more attractive looking than my Friday night company... But, shhhh, don't tell OH I said so!
Rose Red said…
so lovely and soft - the perfect date!
Bells said…
Oh I reckon the cuddles would be spectacular!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous! My Friday night wasn't nearly so luxurious.

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