I'm making a plan

And swatching it twice;
Gonna find out if it's naughty or nice
Cushion gifts are coming to town


Charity said…
Ooooh, very exciting - making plans is so much fun! :o)
Anonymous said…
oh you look very organised there! it's a different story over here!
Lynne said…
That's funny - I read the title of your post and thought immediately "She's making a list" to the same tune!

Hope the plan is a good one!
Rose Red said…
Ha, love it - as soon as I saw the title I was going to ask it is naughty or nice!! Hopefully it will behave!
Anonymous said…
I think my favorite part of knitting is the planning stage. It's so exciting! I hope your design takes shape.
Rachel said…
Oooohhh--I think I know what you are making! If so, I can't wait to see what you come up with--that project is amazing!
Donna said…
Good luck, I'm making a foray into sock designing at the mo.
Bells said…
Cute post!! Can we have an update now please?

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