Well would you look at that...

...a parcel from Get Knitted. For me? What a lovely surprise!

Now this will be the last of the 'ooh look - new yarn' posts for at least a month as I will not buy anymore before my birthday and if I find out about any bargains there will be trouble!

This is shade 610 of the Cascade 220 Tweed and is a fair bit brighter than the dark inky purple I was expecting from the shade cards on the web. I had a look at a few to try and get the best idea, but they were really quite different from what arrived - on my monitor at least. It is lovely even if it wasn't quite as planned. I seem to be drawn to purple yarns in a way I've not been drawn to purple clothes. The Forecast is planned as a project for autumn but perhaps I will be starting it sooner rather than later as it seems that Mother Nature may have brought autumn forward.As for this Jitterbug, well it is everything I hoped and more. Velvet plum. I'm not whether to snuggle it or eat it. I want to cast on in this so much and I'm trying to hold off as I'm already breaking my one pair of socks at a time rule and I feel that the socks created in this would demand to be finished first!


Marianne said…
Mercy, those are both...delicious looking...yum! Seriously, I know what you mean about the purple yarn vs purple clothes, I have quite a lot of purple yarn..but purple clothes? nope. can't think of any! What's with that?
If you 'do' happen to see any bargains out there...you 'could' tell your friends and family members about them, right?

The weather...everywhere...crazy.
Tusa said…
Oh yum! I have forecast on the needles in cascade 220 heather. You will probably beat me to the finish line. Good luck!
Linda said…
That yarn looks too good! I must not go to get knitted...!
florencemary said…
Lovely yarns! The Jitterbug is particularly good - I hadn't noticed that one on the GK site before, and there's a wonderful range of shades. I just might have to pay another visit soon...!
Piglottie said…
Lovely yarn! I was lucky enough to receive some Jitterbug in a swap and its just gorgeous :)
dreamcatcher said…
I shall do my best not to post anything about yarn bargains on here for a while then :-D That tweed looks lovely and I am still vv tempted but not succumbed. However I am in imminent danger from Jannette's latest offer email - would advise against subscribing to that as it is just pure temptation! ;-)
acrylik said…
Ahhhh, Jitterbug! That is a dreamy colour you've treated yourself to there.
Sarah Ditum said…
Oh the cascade! It may be just the thing for the new Ysolda pattern...

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