Interstitial Knitting

Despite my hopes on Friday night it has been a weekend of fitting the knitting in around other activities. Some of them have almost been worth the sacrifice! We found a new (old) table at a car boot sale this morning for just £20, well you all know how much I like a bargain ;0) Here it is modelling the other swag from the boot sale and a couple of things I managed to spend some time on.
Both the socks and scarf are inching closer to completion - they are birthday presents for my Mama and are well ahead of schedule, however I'm keen to get them finished up. I've made myself a little rule of only having one pair of socks on the needles at once and the bargain yarn is calling strongly. I'd like to finish the scarf before I start a stole in the same pattern for my friend's birthday - I am seeing her on the 16th so that is pushing me along. It may sound ambitious but the stole is going to be done on my 15mm needles so I think I'm still on track.

Off next to watch a 2 hour murder mystery on TV so I'm hopeful there will be at least one FO by tomorrow.


Marianne said…
How cool! Looks to be a great sturdy old table!
And look at all the magazines. Your sock and scarf are looking great and coming right along...she's a lucky Mom.
Charity said…
Hooray for the bargain table! I love a good bargain, too. :0)

I also try to only have one pair of socks OTN at a time, but it can be so difficult!

(BTW, love the word usage of your title - I had to look it up, but it's a good word!)
Linda said…
What great bargains you got!

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