The thing is...

... I am so much faster at buying yarn than knitting it :o)

Knitting continues apace but it isn't very photoworthy - a bit more on Lady E, a bit of a sock and a bit of Arisaig's arm.

So I just had to buy something to take a picture of.

Here is some divine South West Trading Company 'Karaoke' from Get Knitted which I found when I was smooching around the site when I went to buy a 2.5mm circular for my sock course (yes the day is nearly here - on Saturday it'll be Socks,Socks, Socks for me!). I'm thinking of an entrelac cushion cover in this for some dearly beloved for Christmas - I'm going to start the gift knitting early this year, well once the birthdays are done. I'm off to knit up a swatch as I'm wondering about buying a whack to make a Forecast in.


Marianne said…
We are ALL so much faster at buying yarn than knitting! heh, that was cute.

Beautiful yarn, those colours!

Getting an early start on the holiday knitting...what a novel idea...and the problem is? There are SO MANY birthdays between now and then! (at least that's what my problem is.....)
That Forecast is a stunner.
Charity said…
Oh, Sarah, I'm with you there! I happen to be a pretty speedy yarn buyer, too, especially lately. :0)

That's some really pretty stuff you've got there!
Anonymous said…
Ooh, yummy yarn! I hear so much about the SWTC. Thanks and it is so exciting to be in the UK. I will have to make a pilgrimage to go and pet some Rowan and Jaeger somewhere. :D
florencemary said…
The SWTC yarn looks beautiful! I haven't tried out any of their stuff yet... and yes, I'm just starting on Christmas knitting too, small projects for the warm summer months - I can't stand a pile of knitting in my lap when it's too hot!

The course looks great - this is when I wish I lived nearer London, instead of 170 miles to the north, and then 30 miles to the east...
Piglottie said…
"I am so much faster at buying yarn than knitting it :o)"

That made me lol - tis true of us knitters, and I think it just gets worse as time goes by. Lovely new yarn :)
Sarah Ditum said…
The colours of the Karaoke are gorgeous. I'm trying so, so hard to reign in my stashing tendencies - but like you, I have a funny way of finding myself on ebay. Oh dear, oh dear...

PS Glad to hear Arisaig is going well. Mine's having a little rest while I knit up a storm on Matilda Jane.
Linda said…
I am tempted by the SWT yarn but must resist! Forecast is a lovely knit, I look forward to seeing yours1
Tusa said…
Nice colours! Can't wait to see the end result.
artyfartykat said…
Wish I could knit faster than I buy!
SWTC yarn looks fab, lovely colours too!
dreamcatcher said…
Have you seen there is now Cascade 220 tweed on sale at GK. Not that I am trying to be an enabler or anything :-D The Karaoke looks lovely, I have been tempted for sure!

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