So much yarn, so little time

My colleague at work commented this week "You receive wool most days - when am I going to see you in something you have made?" Now obviously this is factually wrong on a couple of counts - I only receive yarn on days ending with a y and I have worn my socks and my tank top to work and she was in on those days. It did strike me however that the yarn is flowing rather faster in one direction than another.
Yet how could I resist this? I know it's always a bargain with me, but three skeins of hand dyed Trekking sock yarn for less than £10 including postage. If I hadn't bought it I really would have been certifiable!

Seems like nothing for it but to ignore the housework and spend all weekend knitting.


Marianne said…
The way I figure it, money-wise, does that mean like $20.00 US funds? and if so...

I love that blueberry but that pansy colourway has me weeping... you know, wanting something to tears? Yep, that's it. Good for you!

It just comes with the territory, establishing your stash, so much fun, you are SO on the dark side now. Welcome!
Glenna C said…
Gorgeous yarn! I can see why you went for it ;)
Charity said…
Oh, Sarah, you lucky girl! Just WHERE do you find these amazing deals? Enjoy, the colourways are all amazing. :0)
Sarah said…
It is lovely yarn. I agree you totally had to buy it!
Seahorse said…
Yeah - I have that flow problem too ;) I look on it as an insurance policy in case I'm ever penniless and bedridden (that's my excuse, anyway!).
dreamcatcher said…
Lovely yarn, where on earth did you get that kind of bargain though?!
Janey said…
Me too! I want to know where you got it too!! Put us out of our misery....we absolutely NEED that sock yarn!!
Artis-Anne said…
Totally agree and if you got it where I think you got it;) I got the plum shade and didn't go for the rest LOL. Total bargains:)
Sarah said…
The yarn is from ebay as about 95% of my yarn is! This was a batch from:
but they haven't had any in since - believe me I've been checking!! Trying to be good and finish up the Chain Rib Socks and then a promised pair for the 1TB before I cast on one of these beauties but they are very tempting.
Artis-Anne said…
LOL just read you post on my blog !!
I tell you E-Bay is my biggest addiction ;) and I just HAD to have a plum shade for some lace socks I want to make !!
Modelwidow said…
Well it would have been rude not to have bought such gorgeous yarn at that price now wouldn`t it :-)

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