I am not weak-willed or feeble-minded but...

...as soon as I saw Dreamcatcher's comment about the Cascade 220 Tweed being on sale at Get Knitted I seemed to find myself there with it in the cart. The Karaoke wasn't looking like a goer in my swatch so it was just clearly meant to be.

Now about the skein of Jitterbug that fell in as well - it wasn't that Gosia and Iwona were knitting with it on the course and I HAD to have it or anything like that. I'd held out against the beauty of the colours up until now but when I felt it knitted up into a sock yesterday...

Receptive. That's what I am - open to inspiration.

Here's my sock, long car journey today so I've made some good progress on the leg. I'm using the Blueberry colourway of the Trekking I got the other day and love the way it is knitting up. I do find the yarn a bit grabby on my bamboo needles though and think I might enjoy it more on metal needles.

At the top is the Old Norwegian Cast On which I learnt yesterday. Very suitable for socks as it is really stretchy. It looks seriously impressive as well when you're working it - I didn't think I was going to get it so was all the happier when I did. When I stopped thinking too hard and let my hands get on with it I was fine.

I then went for a 2x2 rib with a twisted cable rib section at the bottom. Gosia also showed me this stitch yesterday and I am super pleased with it. I went for just a small section as it isn't very stretchy. I wanted some decoration as the rest of the sock is plain stocking stitch which seems like the right choice to really show off this pretty colourway.

All in all I couldn't be happier with this little friend so far.

Here are some shots of my gorgeous roses to finish with.So much loveliness in one house :0)


I? said…
Gosh, this sock of yours is looking fab! I'm looking forward to seeing it next Saturday!
Marianne said…
I really enjoy your stash enhancement advendures!!
Sock looking lovely, such pretty colours!
And those roses? Divine.
Linda said…
The blue berry sock looks lovely. I must not go and look at the cascade yarn ...!!
Seahorse said…
Well, it would be just downright WRONG to not be receptive and open to inspiration, wouldn't it? ;)

Lovely sock!
florencemary said…
Great colourway with the sock! Just been shopping at Get Knitted, so I must resist...

And there's nothing quite like getting a bouquet of flowers - or two! Nice Mr Sarah!
Marianne said…
Thanks for stopping by, I always love to see you've been by...and thank you for the good wishes, I know at some point we'll have a day of signing tons of papers, ack, and today we'll have the inspections...
Now...what about the photos of more enhancements?

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