More Crazy Joy

New obsession: Lady Eleanor Stole from Scarf Style. I borrowed my friends Scarf Style a while ago and nothing really caught my eye, then I saw Jess' version of Lady Eleanor following a mention of the pattern on the Stash and Burn podcast. This skinnier version speaks to me much more strongly than the almost blanket sized version in the book.

I bought a bag of assorted Silk Garden (an ebay bargain of course) towards the end of last year which was not yet assigned to a project and suddenly I knew I MUST make this. My kind friend agreed to lend me the book again and I was the model of patience while she retrieved it from elsewhere. (I so nearly bought my own copy but I didn't think there was anything else in there I was likely to make so I held out - looking through it again I still think this is the only pattern I really want to make so I think I did the right thing :o) - more money saved for the next ebay yarn bargain! Though I find that so often I don't like a pattern in a book as much as when I see it knitted up out in the blogworld so probably my poor friend will be forever lending me this book!)

Book was handed over today and I rushed home and got out the Silk Garden. Played around with it for a bit and feel a little bit anxious about all the colour changes as the versions I love at Fig and Plum and here and here are all in one colourway. The shades I have do seem like they may transition quite well though and I have 11 skeins so I can omit the fiery red which is the most extreme and still have the size of wrap Jess made.At least it will be exciting watching the colours develop.Then I cast on - I am blindly following the instructions and if anyone wishes to advise me that I should not have these strange twisted shapes and they can tell me what to do instead please jump in - I am madly excited about this but also completely baffled by it!!
I have a three day weekend with a trip home to Cornwall planned and I shall only take one skein of this with me; I must work on my friend's feather and fan stole (due to be gifted next Saturday). I know that if I had more of this with me I would not be able to leave it alone. Nothing more single minded than a knitter with a new project.


Kelly said…
Oooh, how fun! It seems to me that Laura at Cosmic Pluto made one of these recently....
Yup, here's the link:

It's still all one colourway, but with a little more variation in shades than the ones you linked to. That might give you a bit more of an idea what it will look like.

Enjoy your holiday!
Marianne said…
I think you've put yourself in deep this time...and it's going to be stunning..good luck and enjoy your holiday!
Piglottie said…
Good luck with Lady E - I'm sure it will look fantastic :)
dreamcatcher said…
That is a lovely pattern, have you seen minniemoll's version -, also done in silk garden.
Charity said…
Oh, I'm so envious! Lady E is a beautiful knit - I have some Silk Garden stashed for this one, too. :0)
Seahorse said…
I absolutely love this pattern and you're right, the smaller versions are much nicer and more practical.

I want to start it myself now!
Linda said…
That is going to be gorgeous in the colours you have!
Reckless Glue said…
wow I've been eyeing this pattern myself, I'm excited to see that you are doing it! I need to do something with all that kureyon I've been amassing. Knitty has a similar version called the Danica scarf that I may give ago instead.
Kath said…
Great looking scarf but I can't tell you if your going wrong or not as have not tried entrelac yet - maybe I should! I agree that there are so many times that I see something someone else has knitted and love it and discover that I had seen the pettern before but had dismissed it! Have a great weekend away!
acrylik said…
Wow, your Lady E stole is going to be amazing. I think Noro is great for colour changes, and you won't have any problems getting all those different skeins to integrate. Looking forward to seeing it's progress.

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