Too much stocking stitch is bad for the bank balance!

It is fair to say that there has not been enough of this done this week:And far too much of this:
Resulting in lots of this:

The All Seasons Cotton (shade Cookie) was one of those bargain lots that I seem to fall for - not knowing what I want to knit but knowing I can't let the chance pass me by! I have since found the Sitcom Chic pattern which I think will be great for this yarn.

The Rowanspun DK is to go in the pile I have to make a great stripey Booga Bag.

The cone - Bramwell acrylic in Eau de Nil - is saying Arisaig to me - whispering it on the breeze.

As for the Debbie Bliss Silk, it's just a love thing. I may fill my house with skeins of it just for petting.

I am so excited - quiet weekend = MUCH knitting - of many things both mentionable - and if she's lucky - unmentionable too.


Marianne said…
Oh my....lovely yarns...good snagging.
Happy weekend to you, love those quiet ones!
Marianne said…
Yes, the little beauty has a name, Smooch/Smoochie/ and sometimes... er, well, let's just say at 2am when she's waking me up for what only she knows...'The Smooch'.....and perhaps a few other choice words...mostly mumbled.
acrylik said…
Oooh, gorgeous yarns, how could you resist?

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy all that knitting!
Badger said…
I'm not surprised you couldn't restrain yourself - the colours you've gone for are lovely and were far too good to pass up! ;)
Modelwidow said…
Haven`t you done well, enjoy your weekends knitting.
Piglottie said…
What a wonderful post, and the story of my life! But the Rowanspun is too good a bargain to miss out on - the yardage is fantastic!
Sarah said…
I loveAll Seasons cotton. It's a great yarn to knit with. And Debbie Bliss silk is just too lovely to describe.
artyfartykat said…
Ooh, lots of yarny goodness! Like the patterns you've chosen too.
Sarah Ditum said…
I admire your honesty as well as your taste. After my last ebay binge, I hid everything in the closet, and couldn't bear to admit what I'd done to myself, never mind the whole internet! Find a good movie or something on the radio and let your fingers get through the st st without your brain.
dreamcatcher said…
Hehe, much ebay yarn aquistion! Lovely stuff, now how about that Flair ... *ducks and runs* :-)

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