Just don't mention...


I may have acquired a couple more knitting books this weekend. These are a bit different though, vintage is how an enterprising ebayer would describe them. Car boot bargains at 50p a go, can't go too far wrong at that price can you?

Knitting Fashion has some great sections on different stitch patterns, and Family Knitting has some of the most entertaining patterns ever!Actually once you're past the world's largest poncho, or the loopyness of the loopy cardis and matching hats, there are some good classic shapes which with a little adaptation I'm quite keen on making. This jacket (without the pattern) I think will be great for some of the Rowan Plaid I have stashed.As for the unmentionable, all I have to say is 2 1/2 hours = 4 rows of the body this afternoon.


Reckless Glue said…
I know how you feel with the unmentionnable. You feel like you only have a few rows left, but when each row takes half an hour...whoo boy!
Marianne said…
Oh, I know...just keep at it, you'll get there!
Sarah said…
I've got the book on the right too! Some of the technique information is actually quite useful. But the patterns are all on the amusing side!
I? said…
I love the New Look of your blog! And the books look like too much fun. Fashion goes in circles, remember. I've been pretty bad buying books for my reference library - mind you, it's all work expenses!!! Keep going with the Unmentionable :)
Artis-Anne said…
I too love looking at all these old knitting books and some don't date but others, well...lets not go there. I have photos of me in some very strange multi coloured mohair creations !!!
Sarah Ditum said…
I adore old knitting books, the crazier the better. In fact you've reminded me that I have one I want to blog about... Bolero gets done first, though!
acrylik said…
Love the knitting books, you certainly can't go wrong for 50p!

Good luck with the unmentionable.

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