That is an official Lime n Violet squee of excitement for I am officially very excited.

A few days ago I read this post over at Stitchville and found out that Gosia is going to teach some sock workshops, I was immediately consumed by the desire to go and feed my sock addiction some more so I enquired. Today I sent my deposit over and next month I shall be immersed in the world of Socks, Socks, Socks for two glorious Saturdays.

I feel a bit like I used to about Christmas as a child, if only I could make the days until then go faster!

In the meantime I am finding a bit of retail therapy is helping with the not knitting of Flair and now have a whole new range of temptations that may take me away from her!Still I have the measure of my short attention span and I can guarantee that I shall be knitting just her at least until Sunday evening as I'm going to the almost inlaws for the weekend and only Flair shall accompany me. My ears and eyes are shut to the pleas of the other yarns.


Marianne said…
I'm sure that Flair is going to be very happy this weekend, getting your undivided attention!
Glenna C said…
That is a good purchase - I've ogled my sister's copy of LMKG ;) And nice new layout!
dreamcatcher said…
Nice purchases, and well done for knitting on with Flair despite huge temptation elsewhere! I love the BSA cotton yarn and want to knit everything in it from now on :-)
acrylik said…
Wow, how exciting! That sounds like it is going to be a fantastic workshop.

Love all your new purchases - it's awful though when everything views for your attention!

Love the new blog look!
Modelwidow said…
Hope Flair progressed nicely, and a pat on the back for having strong will power.
Artis-Anne said…
Oh boy thought I had come to the wrong blog first off, lovely new look to your blog :)
The workshop sounds great and I look forward to seeing how you get on
In the meantime hope Flair is coming along well :)
Great new purchases , we are all as bad as one another ;) I say I have the willpower of a gnat at times !!
Anonymous said…
Oooh, Last Minute Knitted Gifts! A great book. I still haven't made anything from it yet, but not for lack of ogling... soooon...
Linda said…
That workshop on socks looks great. Have fun!
Sarah said…
I'm so pleased you're going to Gosia's sock workshop. I bet it will be brilliant. She is such a talented knitter.

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