From small acorns

I really enjoyed the post 'small pleasantnesses' on Yarnstorm the other day. I feel that I am happiest when I appreciate the simple luxuries of my everyday life.

I thought when I took up knitting that I would find this to be a 'small pleasantness'. I find though that it is growing from this smallness into the mightyness of an all consuming passion. I sometimes think that if anyone else knew how much I thought about knitting they would want to carry me off for a rest cure; luckily I can let most of it out here so everyday life people think it's just a nice, little hobby. Who but fellow knitters could understand my total, crazy joy at these few rows of ribbing that are the start of my Arisaig? Let's just hope she makes it to become an oak.

I was pleased with the reception my Flair received today when I took her out visiting. Resisting the urge to say "LOOK WHAT I MADE" the second I stepped through the door I waited a suitably long time for my friend to ask whether I knit my cardigan. Since I took up knitting I have been asked this a few times when the answer has sadly been no. I felt very proud to answer yes today. Even prouder that she took a while to notice, it obviously doesn't scream beginner's homemade jumper in the way I feared it might.


Marianne said…
No, dear, you're not crazy to be thinking about knitting 24/7...and you just let us know if anyone starts giving you troubles, we'll all come and take care of that situation....heh, of course they could cart all of us away, but then as long as they let us bring our yarn and needles and books and put us in a large room together... well, it could be worse,eh?
Charity said…
I enjoyed Yarnstorm's lists, too. Very good, I think, to keep our minds on our own little luxuries. :0)

I feel your crazy joy!
Sarah said…
I know what you mean. Sometimes all I think about is knitting and nothing makes me happier than a chat about wool with someone else who understands. I think that is why reading blogs is so much fun.

I bet your friend was very impressedwith Flair. Just wait until all your friends start putting in orders!
Sarah said…
I love the idea of all the knit bloggers being sent away together - we'd all come back a million times worse! It's so lovely to have you all to share this joy with.
Kath said…
I agree about coming back worse than before if there was a gathering of knitters - we all encourage others to be sucked in as much as we are in our obsession with pointy sticks and fibre! If you are crazy - it's only as much as everyone else here is!
Reckless Glue said…
It's like we have the same mind!
florencemary said…
Don't worry - you're with friends in your knitting obsession! I lie awake at night mulling over yarns and colour schemes.... Flair looks very professional, btw, and really suits you.
Janey said…
Sarah, I know exactly what you mean! When DH says he'll get up with DD so I can have a lie in, I get up straight away to knit! It's a sad state of affairs that I would rather knit than sleep!
Anonymous said…
Now if that isn't the happiest picture I ever saw, tea and the beginning of a project. Good luck with the Arisaig. I can't wait to see how it goes.

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