Impatience is not a virtue...
... in the accomplished jumper knitter.
I should be doing this:
And yet there are so many things I would like to start doing instead:
Like the lace scarf in the pure silk, or the Dimple Stitch Shawl which has been almost on the needles for so long, or a pair of Thuja's for the 1TB or trying to recreate a favourite old jumper that has seen better days.
Oh those new projects they promise so much and yet half way in I'll just be itching to do the next batch of things I've seen and love.
Maybe I'll just go and read a bit of this instead:
I should be doing this:
Oh those new projects they promise so much and yet half way in I'll just be itching to do the next batch of things I've seen and love.
Maybe I'll just go and read a bit of this instead: