So about those April showers...

... seems like we're getting them with interest now! This is me half an hour ago after the walk home. Quite literally soaked to the skin.

Thanks so much for the advice on Arisaig - I've been doing some net research and will do some recalculations. How heartbreaking if after all that teeny tiny knitting it was miles out!

Off to cuddle up with tea and yarn and warm up :)


Sarah Ditum said…
You'll catch your death! I'm doing the size M of Arisaig which should be safe for sizing - I've still got to double check the maths for it though. Did you read Ysolda's warning?
Artis-Anne said…
brrrrrrrr I feel cold looking at you !!
I do hope we haven't seen the last of the sun. It a really horrible wet and misty day here today
Glenna C said…
Our last 2 nights have been HUGE soakers! Lots of thunderstorms, I guess spring has finally come with a vengeance. Good luck with Arisaig! I've always admired that one.
Sarah Ditum said…
It's here

It's about the arms and it applies to any size above medium (I'm doing a medium so I should be in the clear), but I saw that Pigwotknits did a very good job of adapting the pattern for a larger size.
Sarah Ditum said…
No, that didn't work. Google "ysolda" and "warning" - it will be the first hit.
Charity said…
Yikes! Talk about a spring rain! :0)
Marianne said…
Hah, I think our past thunderstorms and 'toad stranglers' finally made it to Glenna's neck of the woods...
I hope you warmed up fast yesterday'll surely be enjoying more flowers!
Linda said…
I hope you manage to work out Arisaig. It looks a lovely knit. Wrap up warm now!

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