From small acorns
I really enjoyed the post 'small pleasantnesses' on Yarnstorm the other day. I feel that I am happiest when I appreciate the simple luxuries of my everyday life. I thought when I took up knitting that I would find this to be a 'small pleasantness'. I find though that it is growing from this smallness into the mightyness of an all consuming passion. I sometimes think that if anyone else knew how much I thought about knitting they would want to carry me off for a rest cure; luckily I can let most of it out here so everyday life people think it's just a nice, little hobby. Who but fellow knitters could understand my total, crazy joy at these few rows of ribbing that are the start of my Arisaig? Let's just hope she makes it to become an oak. I was pleased with the reception my Flair received today when I took her out visiting. Resisting the urge to say "LOOK WHAT I MADE" the second I stepped through the door I waited a suitably long time for my friend to ...