Casting on counts

This is the sum total of Socktoberfest progress on my singletons: one success, one to the heel (glad to know that a lot of you will understand that I am enjoying the anticipation of the heel flap to knit) and just a cast on for the Jays. I did insist on doing the cast on before bed on the 31st so that I could say I started all three socks in Socktober. Not quite what I was aiming for but still not so bad given colds, energy lows and work stresses this month.
Casting on late at night is not normally a recipe for success and so it's not that surprising that those stitches are no more - I've ripped out the original cast on and gone down a size. Am definitely enjoying the pattern for these, as I do for the Monkeys, while the Pom pattern and I have a more troubled relationship - we've just not quite clicked yet and I never get into an easy rhythm with the knitting but I do love the sock that is emerging.

I shall persevere with these singles and their partners this month though I am feeling a big pull towards gloves. The secret knitting has shown me how much fun a glove can be and that combined with this cute pattern from Let's Knit magazine means I might be in for Glovember.


Amanda said…
Poms weren't exactly an instinctive knit for me neither. They were worth it though so stick with them!
T. said…
Glovember - I love it!
Kai said…
The socks are looking great, but I think I'm with you on this need to knit gloves/mitts!!!
Marianne said…
From what I've gathered on the Poms, there's not been too many folks the pattern is intuitive friendly. so there you have it. :^)
I'm really REALLY liking those mitts with the button flaps! Must check out that magazine!
Hee. Glovember. :^D
Rose Red said…
I think 1.5 socks in a month is great actually - especially when they are Poms! It's not a quick pattern to knit, but doesn't it look great!
Charity said…
Of course casting on counts!! :0) Hmmm, it's too bad to hear about the Poms, it's such a nice pattern.
Linda said…
Look at that lovely purple yarn! You have done well for soctoberfest, I didn't even knit a row of my poor neglected socks.
Rachel said…
I agree that casting on counts...and even so, I think you made excellent progress for Soctoberfest! I'm in a mitten mood too. After the holidays I may have a mitten month as well!
Glovember...that's great :)
Bells said…
I'm the same with Poms. Have tried several times. Last time, I got into it a bit, then stuffed it. So it was back to the beginning and then I just got annoyed. Maybe I'll get there one day!
Anonymous said…
For me, it wasn't so much that the Poms weren't intuitive, as that I just didn't feel the joy knitting them. I hated all the knitting into the back of stitches, it really made my wrist hurt.

I think I'm about to have a Glovember too - look forward to seeing what you make!

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