Dashed Fine Gifts

I've quite some knitting pride in this little crop of Dashings that I have tended over the last few weeks.The whole idea of whether/who/what to knit for Christmas gifts has required some extra thought this year. Last year I set out with unmanageable expectations and ended up giving the last of the gifts meant for Christmas as a birthday present this September. My productivity and inspiration dried up in the approach to Christmas and I didn't finish anything last November or December. Knitting the Christmas gifts throughout the year and stockpiling them is by far the most sensible approach but still, I can't get really excited about gift knitting until the magic of Christmas is within reach. I love to make my gifts in one form or another, though I try and make sure the recipient is going to feel equally fond of the idea of a handmade present. Last year I think I focussed too much on the pattern I thought people would most want to receive; this year I've decided that the knitted items have to be things I wantto make first and foremost so that there is maximum enjoyment in the stitches and a better chance that the knitting mojo won't be chased away. So I looked at the list of giftees and tried to think of patterns I fancied that were a nice fit with them. Dashings have long been on my to do list so it was certain someone at least would have warm hands this year.I had a group of three girlfriends to make for, an early 'Christmas' tonight as the deadline and a wish to make them all something similar so whenever they wore their gifts there would be a connection amongst us all. The three colourways of Karaoke I had in the right quantities for this great little pattern were the inspiration in the end and looking at this posy of gloves I am delighted with what I have made.Pattern: Dashing
Mods: Shortened the cuff by reducing rows after the last cable and before thumb placement
Yarn: Karaoke in Mermaid, Mermaid Mix and Wild Cherry - between one and one and half skeins per pair
Needles: 3.75mm Metal DPNS
First Pair Started: 13 November 2008
Last Pair Finished: 27 November 2008


Amanda said…
I love how you've knit your friends the same thing! This is really sweet. The look so good piled up together though...can you bear to split them up???
Charity said…
Dash it all, these area lovely!! :0) I'm planning a pair of these for Stuart for Christmas - he's into astronomy, so they'll be great for chilly nights out with his telescope. (I hope!)
Marianne said…
All three pair are gorgeous, those are some very lucky and loved friends!
Rose Red said…
They are great - love all the colours, they look so good together! Great gift for your friends.
raining sheep said…
Those are fine indeed and very wise to knit throughout the year and stash away gifts - I do that by knitting stripey socks all year and then I can give them away.
Linda said…
They look a lovely pile of Dashings. I am going to make my Dad some gloves and they might be the pattern.
Bells said…
Oh well done. They look fabulous. Great array of colours and great way to fool the knitting mojo.

I gave up my dashings. I really struggled with them. Perhaps I should try again.
Lea said…
it looks like the most beautiful posy. I haven't tried the dashings yet - but am on the road to a few fetching to gift.
Kai said…
Love the mitts The colours are fabulous... :)
Rachel said…
Your mits are lovely--and such a great idea to have matching gifts for your group of friends. I agree that spacing gift knitting out over the year is wise, but like you, I don't seem to get into the Christmas knitting spirit until time starts running out! Good luck finishing up the remainder of your list!
Anonymous said…
I love your fingerless mittens, they look fabulous.
Donna said…
I saw this post yesterday and went straight home to start a pair in Mirasol Miski. I have one done bar the thumb already. Yours look very different with the mods but I do like them, all the colours are great.
Donna said…
Oh, I just realised, I'm doing Fetchings instead, doh!
Anonymous said…
I so agree with you about your approach to gift knitting. I got burned out last year too, and this year I have also only made things I want to make, and that are small. Love the Dashings - they're a great gift idea!
Littlelou said…
Well done you..im still trying to get something done for my brothers fiancee. The wool looks yummy..so smooshy and warm.
All 3 Dashings look great! I love the colors, and I'm sure your friends will, too.
Modelwidow said…
Lovely set of Dashings there, and the connection between you is such a nice idea
Anonymous said…
They're fabolous. My christmas knitting is non-existent although I've hatched an idea this last weekend which I may just manage to get done on time.
von said…
I love that idea, and love the end results even more! They're gorgeous.

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