Randomly on a theme of knitting

Months ago lovely Amanda tagged me for a random meme and I got as far as three dull things that I couldn't feel that any of you would want to know about me (having obviously been so fascinating before) and saved the non-post in my drafts until today, when I was inspired by Glenna's post to share some random knitting minutiae.

1. My needle collection is very random, odds and sods from cheap ebay lots, rummages through charity shops and moments of luxury with Brittanys or Harmonys. The circulars live in a tea tin that is too small for them even though I long ago bought a folder to sort them in to. Like my life really the intention is there to organise and be tidy but the execution is a bit weak :o)

2. My favourite tv programme to knit to is Murder She Wrote - my fingers have developed a Pavolvian twitch response to that theme music. Any whodunnit is always a happy knitalong with for me but even complicated patterns can be knit to MSW with no fear that you will miss the vital clue to who did it as Jessica will be sure to signal loud and clear when the killer gives themselves away by admitting they hate cranberries or whatever it is they must not admit to ensure that they get away with it.

3. I would happily tell you that I don't mind seaming and yet Moonlight is still lurking in that bag.

4. My notions pouch is nearly as messy as my needle collection as I like to have all possible aids nearby but I'm always surprised by how heavy it is when I pick it up; nearly half a kilo eh? What on earth is in there that weighs that much?

5. I hate knitting socks but I've got a strong masochistic streak. No, not really, all that sock love is genuine though it baffles even me some times.

6. I have so far resisted knitting in the bath; reading in there does bad things to my books so it can't be a good idea to take the yarn there but I'm sure I'll have to try it soon.
If you're feeling random do share some knitting minutiae. Happy weekend.


Luinelen said…
I would think knitting in bath would be safer than reading in bath...After all, you can (at least) handwash most yarns with no ill effects, but it isn't customary to wash books.
sheep#100 said…
I wish I could read in the shower since baths are a luxury of the once in a while variety rather than the daily routine. I do tend to read whilst teeth brushing and food preparation times, though. Making a gravy or pudding is very good for reading while cooking. Shopping vegetables with the really sharp knife requires much more attention and less reading gets done.

If you try the knitting in the bath, make sure you knit superwash, okay? ;o)
Charity said…
I love mysteries, too! MSW has always been a favourite. :0)
Glenna C said…
I would love to be able to knit in the bath, too! I've never tried it but have always wondered. There must be a way.
Knitted Gems said…
I love watching Murder She Wrote too! I'm currently going through all the episodes, rewatching them all.

For someone who doesn't like socks, you knit an awful lot of them. Grin.
Marianne said…
Heh, knitting whilst bathing, gave me a giggle.
One of our knitting friends actually can and does read whilst showering!
(no, I've not personally seen this :^)
Bells said…
i like this take on random things! Good fun.

The lack of organisation plagues me, too and it depresses me, but not so much as losing valuable knitting time.

And the bath looms ahead of me as a place to knit. I haven't had a bath in the longest time because of the knitting thing - maybe it should be tried!
Anonymous said…
I love your random facts! I've thought about (and resisted) knitting in the bath too - I reckon I could felt it while I knitted!

And my favourite knitting? Poirot, or Miss Marple.
Kai said…
Now there's an idea... I already read when I'm in the bath, so why not knit... :D
Linda said…
I like your random facts. My Pavlovian knitting twitch is activated as soon as I sit down!
Rose Red said…
I am pretty sure that if I tried knitting in the bath my knitting (and needles and pattern) would probably be taking a bath with me. But it's a nice idea in theory!!
Amanda said…
Yay!!! You played along! Have you finished the Kate Morton yet? I have loved both her novels but especially the latest one!
Rachel said…
Knitting in the bath? I had never even thought about that...is this a common thing for knitters to do that I'm just missing out on> :)
Lynne said…
Thanks for sharing; I enjoyed your minutiae.

I don't like baths so haven't felt compelled to try knitting there! I do like bed but find sleeping seems preferable to knitting!
Modelwidow said…
Loved reading your minutae, and laughed at the thought of knitting in the bath - wouldn't do to be making a scarf though!
Unknown said…
I can't even tell you close I've been to knitting in the bathtub. This post is so affirming!
Littlelou said…
My whole blog is 'random' haha. Especially at the moment as I am taking part in NaBloPoMo..argghh.

As for knitting in the bath..could work. Knit up shreaded carrier bags perhaps? Knit a unique bathmat.
raining sheep said…
I am going to avoid knitting in the bath! Your needle collection is great. I have to admit that I am a needle snob...I only have my addis and my harmony needles now, and some crystal palace for bamboo.

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