Singleton Socktober

Socktober is here, Socktober is here - dance the happy dance! Some may say it is always Socktober at All Fingers and Thumbs but for this month the sock love has an official outlet.

Ambitious plans are afoot (sorry couldn't resist). Initially I was going to aim for three pairs of socks this month, then I remembered and the speed I go at and I modified the plans slightly; you see there are three classic sock patterns that I haven't knit yet. It's hard to believe but I haven't made a pair of Pomatomus, Jaywalkers or Monkeys even though I have now knit a grand total of 21 pairs of socks since I was first infected by the sock bug nearly two years ago. These patterns seem to me to be three pillars of the sock knitting world, in order to earn my sock knitting stripes they must be knit. Ravelry project stats prove their popularity: 2019 pairs of Poms, 5018 Jaywalkers and a quite unbelievable 6871 Monkeys; these are bandwagons I need to jump on. So, as I don't yet suffer badly with second sock syndrome I thought I'd do my best to induce it by knitting one each of all these patterns this month (and then of course I will knit the second ones next month). Yarn is chosen, fingers are flexed let the joy of Socktoberfest begin.


Lolly said…
I am thrilled that you are in for the month! Can't wait to see your creations :)
Charity said…
That sounds like a great plan! Are you going to do the regular Monkey, or the no-purl Monkey? :0)
Marianne said…
Oooh, pretty colours! pretty yarn!
I've not knit the Poms, I have knit the Jaywalkers and the Monkeys. LOVE the Monkeys. I especially love the No Purl Monkeys (check them out on Ravelry), they are SUPER fast to knit up.
Have fun and enjoy!
Bells said…
oh how funny - yesterday RoseRed and i tallied the number of socks we'd made and we were neck and neck at 21 and 22. And so are you!

I'm so glad your love has an official outlet. That killed me.
SueJ said…
No purl monkeys are great, jaywalkers were awful, got frogged, too stiff & 'un-knit' like. If you want a zig zag try Queen Carolina by?????? Monkeytoes I think -on ravelry anyway.
Rose Red said…
I've knit all of them - Poms are my favourite. Jays are ok - there are a lot of fit issues that people have - if I was doing them again I'd knit the leg in the larger size but on smaller needles, and knit the larger size foot on recommended needles (I think...).

Love the yarns you have - but which is which? I'm guessing the Trekking for the Jays, the blue for the monkeys and the reddish one for the Poms?
Artis-Anne said…
Oh lovely yarn and I too have a couple of those socks I need to knit . Looking forward to seeing your FO
Terri said…
I Love the Monkey pattern, have tried jaywalker for an inch or so but just didn't really "get" it so frogged! Popms are definately on my list of must do's. If only I had the time to match my imagination lol!!!!!
Terri said…
Forgot to say, I've tagged you for a blog award........ details on mine;-)
Donna said…
Not made poms, but have made the other two. I'm doing the mystery sock pattern for Socktoberfest.
Linda said…
Enjoy Soctoberfest! I am going to aim to finish my stripey socks that have been on the needles for far too long!
Bells said…
hey sarah, i gave you an award! check out my post today.
Amanda said…
Yes these are all 'must does' in the sock world. I think the Poms are my favourite. Great yarn you've got lined up for them too.
Unknown said…
Sounds like an excellent idea! I think you might find Monkeys addictive...I just started my 2nd pair for Socktoberfest!
Anonymous said…
Yay for bandwagons! Can't wait to see your iterations of them!
raining sheep said…
girl, you have not lived until you knit some monkeys. They are a staple, must-knit sock which most likely you will end up knitting more than once. I am going to cheer you on with bells on.
Lynne said…
Since I have never knit anything but plain stocking stitch socks [self patterning yarns look best this way in my opinion], I must add "these" socks to my list for Southern Summer of Socks! Thanks for leading the way [for me at any rate!]

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