Is it a scarf for a baby giraffe?

We have been away for a long weekend and when doing some shopping in Exeter on Thursday I found a lovely craft shop called Inspirations with a good knitting section. Having spent some serious fondling time with the yarn (most of my yarn knowledge is web based and while I can try and imagine what 75% wool, 25% silk feels like there is just no substitute for getting some hands on yarn time) I decided I'd take the plunge and have a look for a sock kit as I was aware I was leaping out of my comfort zone and wanted a bit more than to just buy some dpns. After wandering around looking a bit bemused for a while the very helpful ladies took me in hand and kitted me out with two balls of Sirdar Town and Country in Volcano (yey a yarn with a name), some 2.5mm bamboo dpns and a free sock pattern with nearly enough instructions for an absolute beginner. I was so excited I nearly tried to cast on when I stopped for a cup of tea in the next cafe! Thankfully sense prevailed and as I was seeing my Mum that evening I thought I'd hold out till then.
There were a few moments of pain during the casting on as I'm not used to such fine yarn and when the instructions read divide the stitches between three needles I duly did that and then tried to knit with just the three, soon thought better of that but I do wish patterns were a bit more basic!
Anyway as you can see I've been enjoying myself enormously all weekend but the excitement is starting to be tempered with some fear as I'm approaching the heel flap!
The sock looks great, I can't believe it is the first time you've knit one - your stitches look so neat and you've knit so much already.
I really enjoyed myself in Inspirations and they were very tolerant of me!
Hope you are having a better week!
I taught myself to knit socks from a Patons booklet called "Pull up your Socks". If you ever come across a copy, it's got really detailed basic instructions and several easy patterns. But you seem to be doing well on your own - it's coming aong nicely!
(PS email coming soon!)