More Sock Love: Turning a Heel

This is the heel I just completed on my bee-yoo-tiful Monkey sock. I love it, both the sock and especially the heel turn.

It's not exclusive to this sock, I'm always excited to do the heel on my top down socks. I enjoy it so much that, as I did on this one, I sometimes pause the project to find a peaceful little moment to knit the heel flap and make the heel turn all in one go.

Turning a heel was one of those phrases I knew in my pre-knitting life and I had the idea it would be a tricky thing to do. It pleased me no end to find that it was straightforward and so clever. While I was blindly following the instructions for my first sock I don't think I even realised that I achieved this significant moment in my knitting career! Now, every top down sock I make, I relish this part most of all. A simple, elegant piece of engineering. What's not to love?

Anyone else have a favourite element of the sock knitting process, or have I reached new heights of knitgeekery? Thank goodness I have the excuse of Socktober.


Charity said…
I remember I was terrified to knit a sock, because of the heel turn, and felt so terribly clever once I'd achieved it! :0) Your heel looks lovely.
Marianne said…
Oh, definitely turning the heel is my favourite part of knitting a sock, I STILL feel 'oh so clever' each and every time. (sung to the tune of 'I'm so Pretty' :^)
blog-blethers said…
I love turning heels too ... though am less keen on picking up the stitches afterwards:o)

What a beautiful shade that yarn is!
I used to think knitting socks would be really hard...because of the heel...but once I started knitting them, I quite enjoy doing socks immensely!

I've heard a lot of people say...ok, I've read a lot of people saying...that the kitchener stitch at the toe is what they dread. I like kitchener stitch. I don't find it difficult, and it means that the sock is finished!
Kate said…
my two favorite parts of the sock-making process? turning the heel and grafting the toe. i always feel immensely clever after turning the heel ... and after i finish the toe, I can put on my sock and wear it around the house! :)
Bells said…
Oh the heel. Definitely the heel. I ALWAYS stop and look and admire. Always. I even point it out to hubby if he's close by because he thinks it's some cool kind of magic too.

Yours looks lovely! You ought to try a dutch heel. I will do a post on it some time soon. It's similar to a regular heel but somehow just that bit cooler.
raining sheep said…
I love turning the heel too because really it means the sock is half done :)
Rose Red said…
I was so scared to turning the heel on my first sock - but I still love it. And when I finish the (seeming) neverending gusset decreases is another favourite.
sheep#100 said…
I like the heel turns, too. And the way we can vary them so much.
Rachel said…
I love the heel flap...I often wonder why so many people seem to hate that part of the sock. Otherwise, my favorite part of the sock is using the Kitchener stitch to finish up the toe. I think it's like magic and it makes me giddy each time I do it. Knitgeek for sure.
Anonymous said…
My favorite part used to be the heel flap and gusset on a top down sock, but now it's the gusset and heel flap on a toe up sock. I didn't know it could be worked both ways, and I love working toe up socks best.
T. said…
I work cuff down and I do love me a good heel turn (it's almost magical) but I truly love the toe. The gorgeous decreases on both sides, AND you know you're almost done and can slide your tootsies into some warm socks.
Anonymous said…
Love your socks. I've never tried as the heels look so complecated, much in awe of anyone who can.
Sarah Ditum said…
I'm not so much a sock knitter but heel turning is still one of my great knitterly pleasures. It just works - and there's nothing quite as exciting as seeing knitting take shape in your hands.
Kai said…
I have to admit, I'm with you on this one. It's the heel turning and toe grafting that I look forward to!!
Donna said…
Yes, definitely the heel turning and toe grafting. I absolutely dread picking up the stitches though, I still can't quite seem to get that right.
Beautiful heel! I have yet to knit socks, but I really want to try it :)
florencemary said…
Um, yes, I do enjoy turning a heel, and this is probably the only thing that I enjoy about sock-knitting. I wish I could enjoy more about socks, but then they ain't shawls, are they?

blog-blethers said…
Sarah, Loops' UK online store has Norah Gaughan's Collections 1-3 available;o)
Lynne said…
I like turning the heel - it marks the halfway point!! LOL

I use short row shaping so there's no picking up of stitches but, as yet, I've not made a pair of socks I found comfortable! ;-(
Curly Cable said…
Beautiful heel turn, well done :) Turning the heel is one of my favourite parts on making socks too. As once you've completed that stage, you can see your sock is really starting to take shape and is looking like a sock too lol :)
Hi! The heal of a sock always scares me, I will be taking your word and attempt this. Fingers Cross.

Anonymous said…
This is where I find the instructions for the toe up with heel and gusset. It makes for a very nice heel. There are tutorials on the web also that can show you different kinds of heels, but the short row is definitely not for me!
Floderten said…
Turning a heel pleases me to no end as well. It's so brilliant! I don't like having to pick up stitches afterwards, though. ;)
Anonymous said…
The heel turn is definitely a magic thing.

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