Blogs I Love III - From the start...

Back in the early days of blogging (when blurry photos seemed okay) there were some lovely people who made sure I wasn't lonely and some of them are still very much here and blogging along today:

The aforementioned Glenna is one, another is her friend:

Hedgehog Knits
Kelly is not a knitting hedgehog. I'm sorry if that's a disappointment to anyone but really, though she is a mere human person, there is no way her knitting can be a disappointment to anyone. She keeps a super cute pet hedgehog Molly who features too rarely on the blog in my humble opinion - so go tell Kelly to let us see her. She's had all kinds of job craziness of late which limits her blogging activity a little but the knitting still continues apace.

Knitting in the North
Charity is a very generous commenter. I'm never too sure how she cares for her mighty brood of chicks and fits in all the knitting and blogging to be honest. Still I think she's let slip some relevant info of late - she's pretending that Katie is just learning to knit but I think she gets the kids started at Liam's age and then passes off the knits as her own. Seriously though, she's amazing and I love reading about how she fits knitting in with family life.

Marianne's Knotminding
Marianne is a very naughty blogger - she never blogs. She's always over here reading away and saying lovely things and yet she never posts anymore and let's us know what she's knitting. Come on Marianne - I know Bobby's Blankie is a beauty but it's time we saw some more of your fabulous knits. Though I do love to see the bleeding hearts popping up in my and so many other's comments sections. Thanks for being such a faithful reader.


Bells said…
I am so intrigued by the idea of a blogger who has a pet hedgehog. I'm heading over there right away (and to the others, obviously).
Rose Red said…
Aren't the connections you can make through blogging so cool! Thanks again for the links!
Charity said…
Well, thank you, Sarah, you're sweet! :0) It's funny, I often feel that I just don't have enough time for knitting and other crafting - now that you mention it, I could really get stuff done if I got the kids all pitching in! Will have to work on that...
Marianne said…
Yes! I'd like to see more of Molly also, she's such a wee sweetie!
Charity and Kelly are favourites of mine also :^) I giggled re: Charity having all the children knitting away.
Yes, I am a naughty blogger, I seem to have lost my voice these past months... perhaps after the election.. I do have FOs to share, I've been busy with lots of stealth knitting these past months but can show most of them now. Bear with me. and thank you :^)
T. said…
Just what I need....more blogs to read!!
Linda said…
Lovely blogs, thank you for the links.
raining sheep said…
Too funny because I just sent Marianne an email chiding her about her lack of blogging...the election is almost over in the U.S.; I know she is busy with that...she might re-emerge after this coming week.
Anonymous said…
I'm loving your reviews as a way of finding new blogs to read. Thanks for doing this!

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