You make me happy when skys are grey....

You are my sunshine Ravelry :o)

Invite arrived yesterday, phew for the wet weekend making plenty of time to play. I love Ravelry, it is as brilliant as everyone says - I'm Thumbelina if anyone I haven't already found and pestered to be my chum would like to be friends with the new girl on the edge of the playground :o) I had a moment choosing my username where I nearly ended up with the initials from my blog name in front of my name..... yep I'm glad I didn't submit AFATSarah!!

Playing with the yarn, taking photos etc has absorbed most of the weekend and been so much fun - who wouldn't be happy when their sock yarn stash looks like this:I have managed the odd moment of sociability; sharing the last of the plum plague, sorry harvest of bountiful proportions, with my friends in the form of a highly recommended Nigella Winter(or just feels like it) Plum Cake:However I think that Ravelry has probably tipped me over the edge into true yarnsanityI woke at 6.30am thinking about loading FOs on there and then when I tried to do a crossword earlier on and think of a fish beginning with B I couldn't get Baudelaire and Bayerische out of my tiny mind!


Piglottie said…
LOL Its great isn't it?! So easy to use, but so much on there.
Glenna C said…
That is a nice sock stash! How nice to have it all in a basket to see like that. And yum, enjoy that cake :)
Marianne said…
You are SO funny! and so very endearing...congrats on Ravelry!
Beautiful sock stash, what great yarns and colours....can I come over and eat some of that plum cake? I love plums...used to make plum jam...but yarn and stuff got in the way...heh.
Badger said…
I'm still not in ravelry - will you keep a seat warm for me whilst I'm still queueing?
Seahorse said…
Ooh, plum cake! Looks gorgeous! Ravelry sounds like so much fun. Your almost-oops with the username gave me a smile!
Sarah Ditum said…
It's good to have you - even though I am a bit disappointed that you didn't go with the fat name!
Linda said…
I am still in the queue! It feels like forever, I want to see it!
Littlelou said…
That cake looks scrummy. Can I be as stupid as to ask what Ravelry is? I've read its name on a few blogs! Love your thumbelina name..thats what I was on X-Box. My other half and bro call me that...I'm short stuff, haha
florencemary said…
I'm afraid that I too am slightly worried about the yarn-insanity which Ravelry will cause (I'm 5,387 in the queue), which is why I was a bit tardy in applying...

Lovely yarn, btw, and yummy cake - I really must get Nigella's book.
Curly Cable said…
Congratulations on your invite to Ravelry, I still in the queue, but way back, so I've just gotta be patient! Lovely Sock yarn stash, you have some lovely things! And the Plum cake looks scrummy, just what you want in these autumn days we are having!
blog-blethers said…
Both yarn and pie look absolutely delicious! And can understand why you opted for another name on Ravelry (lol) ... though if I used it, I certainly wouldn't be done under the trade descriptions act (and that's without that fantastic pic!). I'm also hoping for a driech weekend so that I can spend it taking pics of my stash in anticipation of the invite arriving:)
Lolly said…
Ravelry has that effect! it is so fun :)
Modelwidow said…
Ooh I can almost smell that cake, and I`m starting to drool! The yarn looks pretty yummy too, especially on the left hand side of the basket.
Floderten said…
Isn't Ravelry addictive? :P I remember when I got my invite; I was supposed to study for my exams, and instead I wasted precious reading hours on surfing Ravelry, looking at all the cool features.. *sigh*

I think it's the best thing since someone said "hey! I can knit this thing in the round!"
Artis-Anne said…
LOL I know what you mean about Ravelry and I STILL haven't had time to photo all my stash !!.
It's great to see you there :)

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