Switchy swatchy
Feeling a bit under the weather this week and it's reflected in the knitting - a couple of plain blanket squares for Flo's project (see natty button to the right) have been just the right level. Having finished them up last night I moved on to swatching.
I'm trying to match some of the stash up to the Norah Gaughan projects my fingers are itching for.
I am now a little more conscious of how much yarn I have amassed as I'm listing it all out in Ravelry! No obvious pairings seem to jump out though.
My best hope was some of the Rowan Plaid I have for the Frost Jacket but it is too chunky to get anything like the right gauge:
I'm wondering about a slightly shorter version of Flicca for the Plaid instead.
My number one pattern from Knitting Nature is the Snapping Turtle skirt:
There is no potential sub in my stash for Berroco Suede and it is mighty expensive to get it shipped from the US so that one is definitely on hold.
My favourite cardigan is the Ramshorn Jacket but I can't spot a goer for this either:
Never mind, I shall treat it as a picture book at the moment and find it endlessly soothing to gaze at the wonderfully styled, imaginative knits and little bits of nature.

I'm trying to match some of the stash up to the Norah Gaughan projects my fingers are itching for.
My best hope was some of the Rowan Plaid I have for the Frost Jacket but it is too chunky to get anything like the right gauge:
My number one pattern from Knitting Nature is the Snapping Turtle skirt:
My favourite cardigan is the Ramshorn Jacket but I can't spot a goer for this either:
From PL's comment it sounds as if Ravelry could be the world's biggest yarn-enabling facility :-D
let me know, if they're wanting you left arm... perhaps I could get it to you for less...
Hope you feel better soon.
I may need to get myself a copy just so I can do that scarf. Cuz god knows I need to knit another scarf.