January Jewels

A Gem of a Calendar from Phlights of Phancy
It's no secret January is my least favourite month but slowly year on year I'm doing better at loving it. Last year with the snow I had a better time than in previous years. Slllooooowwww is definitely the pace for me in winter. One step up from hibernation. Though I'm prepared to ease away from the sofa when the sun shines like it did today. With blue skies overhead jewels sparkled wherever I looked.
Christmas Books to look forward to diving into just as soon as the last gifts are knit.
New friends and old.
Goodbye murky grey...

...hello sunshine!
Afternoon tea with my lovelies - spot the Vogue Cowl in action - yay for gifts well appreciated!
Exciting times ahead.
Even the dark brought more jewels.


Anonymous said…
oh, so many lovely photos, with so much to be cheery about! i hate january too, but mostly because the temp sits about 30c with 100% humidity. this year its raining too. but i do love the hanging out with friends a lot part as well. and we're not talking about work right?
Anita said…
Hi Sarah, I love Mr. Owl, he's so cute and I wonder what the cat is thinking about. I noticed the titles on the stack of books and have taken down the names of them to order at the library. I can't quite see the whole title on More last minute...? That's a special bump you have there. Happy knitting. Kind regards, Anita.
sara said…
Such lovely pictures! I love Mr. Owl and cat.

I'm not a fan of January, either.
Bells said…
i think what you're doing is spot on - finding the small things that keep your ahead above water. And oh so many lovely things - it's all about the little moments in life.
Rose Red said…
Such gorgeous photos! What a lovely place you live in!
mooncalf said…
I'm finding this January much easier than normal. I think the cold weather before Xmas was so horrid and the glimpses or warmth and sun in January so welcome that it has seemed almost spring-like.

I got Modern Top-Down knitting too. i'm not sure where to begin with it though. Love those ripply arm things, and the cute beret and all the dresses...
t does wool said…
gorgeous series sarah...
I have been MIA and I apologize for that sweet you.
Hoping your holidays were perfect and a happy new year to you...xx

oooo...the bump!!!!!!!!!
T. said…
LOVE the pics!! And that owl is gorgeous.
Linda said…
Your pictures have made this murky grey day so much better! Knitting books are great for new things to brighten up the new year too aren't they. x
Charity said…
So many great things to fill up a dreary January! :o)
raining sheep said…
Hi Sarah, I so love your owl pillow and most definitely exciting times ahead :) Glad that you are trying to embrace January. I am like you, typically January is a tough month for me. Actually Jan, Feb, and Mar is my least favorite time of year. It is cold here, no special holidays. I need to make some changes for those months in the future.
Rachel said…
Beautiful series of images...it makes me long for your January rather than mine! I've barely been knitting as I try to get my dissertation done...1.5 feet of snow and I fear I won't see the ground until May!...I'm not quite sure when I last saw the sun! Oh well, I'll live vicariously!

LOVE that owl pillow...where did it come from?
Anonymous said…
Hi Sarah,
I just came across your blog, and it is terrific! I wanted to send you some complimentary knitting books to possibly review on your blog. If you are interested, please get in contact with me at regan@workman.com.
Thanks! Regan Clancy, Workman Publishing
Modelwidow said…
I agree about January, but your lovely photo's are an inspiration to look for the good things.
marycatharine said…
Sunshine can take January from painful into livable.

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