First Stutterings
At the end of January I had the pleasure of taking a learn to crochet course at The Makery in Bath taught by the very patient and adept Rosee Woodland . Here is my first ever piece of crochet. Hard won over an hour or so. Rather tight and twisty. I thought it would be, as that aptly describes my first pieces of knitting. The focus and anxiety to get it right flow through my hands and translate into tightly wound stitches. I seem less patient with myself than I was when I learnt to knit as if somehow because I can do the one I should be able to do the other. I was no natural knitter but because it it flows now I think other crafts should feel the same. That belief certainly sabotaged my attempts to learn from a book which worked for me with knitting; with crochet I felt like I should be able to skip through that beginning section and get straight into the 'real' stuff and when I couldn't get it easily I didn't want to persevere. So I was delighted to see details of ...
And for the record, I love knowing what people have for lunch! Or dinner! My sister and I ask each other every day, around mid afternoon, 'what's for dinner?'
Maybe we should all just post a pic of our lunch when there's nothing much going's a great talking point.
What's that book...looks interesting!
It does look yummy, especially the cheese.
And we do care, honest!