Temptation Thy Name is a New Project

Any new project!

As I gleefully wind skeins of yarn into fat, squishy balls, the yarns for the imagined items yet to be started seem so much more desirable than those of the WIPs.

My boss restarted knitting a couple of months ago after a long hiatus . She's just finishing off her third sweater; her third adult sweater. Sigh.

I would like to be the kind of knitter who works steadily through one project at a time, buying the yarn for just that project and not starting anything else until it is off the needles. However I don't approach anything else in my life that way so I think I'd better accept I will never be that knitter!

Here's to as many WIPS as there are knitting moods to be satisfied. I'm off now to persuade this little lady to share my snuggly throw with me and I might just get to work on something new.


Charity said…
Sometimes I think my love of yarn is separate from my love of knitting. Which is okay, too, right? Enjoy playing with all that beautiful fibre! :0)
Marianne said…
That sure is a bowlful of beautiful goodness!
florencemary said…
No matter whether you have one WIP or a dozen, you're always looking forward to your next knitting project! I usually have a few things on the go, just to break the monotony, but not too many as I then begin to lose focus...

Puss says 'please do not disturb'!
Rose Red said…
I also wish I could be a one project at a time person - but I just can't! Sigh! But I agree, best not to fight it, you might end up resenting your knitting and that would be terrible!
Linda said…
Its good just to knit how you want, 1 WIP or 10! Its your knitting! Lucky cat!
Terri said…
I'm a multi wipper too,soooo much more fun;-)
Piglottie said…
Beautiful yarns! I dont like to many WIPs on the go as I feel like I'm never getting anything done (two is the perfect number for me - socks and something else). But enjoy your knitting whichever way suits you - and I know of someone who has more than 50 WIPs so you are well within the realms of sanity :)
Janey said…
I'm feeling a bit like you at the mo...I got so much beautiful yarn in the Posh yarn sale and all I want to do is cast on new projects!

Your cat certainly looks like it rules the roost!
I guess your not allown here...I love just looking at my yarn stash...seriously I can just open up the doors and look at it for minutes at a time...then comes the need to touch it all and then repack it...Oh hours of fun...I really must get more of an interesting life...Nah!!!
sheep#100 said…
Thanks! And I used to be one of those knitters who had one thing on the needles at a time and only bought yarn by project. Actually, I still only buy yarn by project - scratch that.
Lynne said…
My mum is like that - buys yarn for the project she wants and knits it to completion - yes, I mean finished completely - before starting another.

I, on the other hand, am not like that! I collect yarn - a different hobby from my knitting! And I get around to finishing sometime - when I'm in the mood!

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