Mixtape Zine

It's nearly the end of January (yippee - I just can't love this month the way I should!) and I'm doubly excited for the start of February as the new issue of Mixtape will be out.

I really enjoyed the first two issues, there could be more knitting for me but then I do in fact feel this about everything and am strangely pleased whenever I see someone knitting on film/telly/Shreddies packets!

I feel the fun that goes into this little publication and I like that the articles are on quite mixed (natch) topics .

Also on the subject of crafty magazines - does anyone know what is happening with Yarn Forward magazine? When I tried the url for the website the other day and again today it won't resolve to a site and I can't find a link from Hipknits.

Thank you for the scarfy compliments - it's been in use every day this week so far :o)


Lyn Wymer said…
Hello Sarah - the Yarn Forward link seems to be working at the moment when I tried it just now (8pm GMT). I received the Winter 2008 issue at the end of last week, only had a quick flick through so far, but thought it was interesting enough to renew my subscription.

There is more info on the magazine blog -

and Kerrie's blog -
(24 January entry)
Linda said…
That little magazine looks interesting. I have not yet recieved my YF either (I subscribed).
Sarah said…
Hi Lyn - Thanks for those links, I hadn't seen the blog before so that info was great thank you. Still can't get the URL to resolve but Kerrie mentioned something about an overhaul of the website so I'll keep trying.
Anonymous said…
Not heard of Mixtape before. Where do you buy it?

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