She's Growing

This week I have dedicated all my knitting time to Flair and it's been very pleasing to see her grow. I'm enjoying the pattern and should be at the trying on stage this weekend when it will be interesting (read please don't make me rip out) to see how she fits.


Charity said…
I'm loving how this is looking, especially in that colour! :0) It's amazing how much we can progress when we focus on just one thing, eh? :0)
Piglottie said…
Looking good, and lovely colour. Good luck with the fitting :)
dreamcatcher said…
She's looking great, such a pretty colour too. It's certainly an eye opener for how much you can get done, by just knitting on one project at a time :-)
Marianne said…
I do just LOVE that colour!
Reckless Glue said…
your little baby is growing up!

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