First fitting

The trying on session yesterday went quite well; actually considering I might have been way off track it went really well.
She fits nicely across the back and doesn't seem too snug around the front, I figure the double breasted effect gives a little room for manoeuvre here. It was definitely worth the fuss of putting the stitches on to yarn and giving it a try on as I did decide to put in some of the increases planned for further on straight away to give a little more ease around the chest.

The session also confirmed my concerns about the length. After Cara's version I was already hoping to be able to lengthen her a little and having measured out where she would come to if I stuck to the pattern measurements she definitely needs a little more length for me. The only issue with this is how much yarn I will have as I didn't do the sensible thing and buy one skein over. My plan is to finish off the skein I am on and then go back and do the sleeves and collar; I can then return to the body knowing I am free to carry on as far as I need to.

I also spotted that I had misread the instructions and got the first button hole in the wrong place. She's a beginners sweater alright: I learnt to do make one increases for under the arms and one of those has left a nice neat hole where I must have knit into the front rather than the back of the new stitch and the shaping for the sleeves has a similar gap. Still I think these will be easy enough things to hide with a needle and thread and it has been a great learning experience.


Charity said…
I think it's going to look amazing! :0)
Artis-Anne said…
Oh my that is coming along lovely :)
Sarah said…
It is looking lovely so far. The colour is great. Projects are always more fun when you are learning new techniques.
Marianne said…
She's looking fabulous so far! I am so smitten with that colour!
Linda said…
That is looking great. It is so helpful being able to try on as you go, isn't it. It is a good plan of yours to do the sleeves then go back to the body to see how much yarn you have.
Kath said…
I do love the idea of trying on as you go saving tears at the end! Nice to ba able to learn things as you go and makes for a more satisfying project even if you know there are little mistakes here and there. I like to think about the Taj Mahal when I notice silly little mistakes way down near the beginning of my work in that having imperfections leaves us something to strive for in nearing perfection!
Seahorse said…
Looking really good!
Reckless Glue said…
wow, so far it looks great, and you're smart to do the sleeves and then go back and finish the body! I made mine about five inches longer, and truthfully I'd like it to be longer still, but then I also gave mine more swing so it still may not have looked right with more length.
I also think I placed my button holes too close together, but I blame that on her instructions. She saya start them on a WS row, but she also says row 14. WS rows are usually odd numbered so it totally threw me. I think I did them on every 13th row as a result. How are you placing yours? If I did it again I'd likely do them every 15th row instead.

I can't wait to see your finsihed results--so far it looks like a perfect fit and the colour is beautiful!
dreamcatcher said…
That is looking great, loooove the colour. I honestly haven't thought about the length of the piece, I shall dig the pattern out as I'm very keen to start!
artyfartykat said…
Its looking good so far! Love the colour too!
Kelly said…
Oh Sarah, that's coming out really nice. Don't you love being able to try on top-down knitting as you go?
Sarah Ditum said…
It's looking good. I love the feeling of trying on a top-down sweater and knowing it will all be ok and the hard work is coming out well.
Sarah said…
Flair is blushing under you praise - if only kind words would make her grow! Top down wins with me for calming the 'will it fit?' anxiety but somehow it makes me even more impatient as it seems closer to completion than it really is.

Kath - I love the Taj Mahal philosophy, duly adopted :)

Cara - it was the first button hole I got wrong - she says count 12 rows from centre front, strangely that made me count 12 rows from the centre back - sometimes I wonder about my ability to read! I've just been going with row 14 ever since but that first one is in a really awkward place now.
T said…
Ooh, that's lovely. Bet I don't have enough yarn as I have a very long back.
acrylik said…
Wow, that's looking fantastic, I think it's wonderful to be able to try on your knitting as you're going.
I? said…
Looks great!

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