
Finally I am pleased to introduce Horace.
Isn't he an adorable and entirely unique chap? Yes his arms look like wings, yes he has eaten too much stuffing and yes his eyes are a little curious but he's a bear of character and I think character goes a long way in this world!
Horace enjoys the sun.

And flowers too.

Pattern: Horace by Amanda Hone. Please visit: Bears United to see some friends of Horace who may stand a greater chance in a bear beauty contest!
Yarn: Sunbeam Sumatra - a bargain from ebay and suitably soft and fuzzy for a bear
Needles:5mm plastic straights
Started: November 2006
Finished: 24 March 2007
New Skills?: This pattern was my first experience of increasing and decreasing which was one of the reasons I wanted to try it.
Notes: The pattern is great, easy to follow and I think if you bought the right stuffing (I had acrylic rather than cotton which I think is too springy and stretchy and I am blaming it for the wings issue!) and some proper eyes you would easily to be able to recreate a bear of dashing good looks as well as tremendous character. Having created Horace as he is I feel it is too cruel to take off his eyes etc but I expect I will make this pattern again and will note the above notes when it comes to making up!


Artis-Anne said…
I love Horace , he is adorable and all the more special and as you say a character is all one needs.
I checked out Amanda's blog and guess what she only lives about 3 miles away from me !!
Amanda said…
Yay! Well done Sarah. Horace is gorgeous. I'll get his pic up on the Bears United gallery later this evening.
Anonymous said…
Aw, the bear is adorable. Nice job with him.
acrylik said…
I think Horace is wonderful, he is full of character, and it looks like he's definitely an adventurer ;)
Charity said…
Horace is a darling! So sweet. :0)
Seahorse said…
He's lovely! For me, hand knitted toys are all about 'character' and he has that in spades!
artyfartykat said…
Horace is gorgeous! Well done!
He looks like an outdoor type!
dreamcatcher said…
He's very cute indeed!
Reckless Glue said…
adorable! I love him!!!
Marianne said…
I think Horace does have loads of character, I know that's what I always look for in a bear, he's quite dashing in his own personal way...yep, I love him.
Your flowers are lovely, and I've always wanted the white bleeding heart, they're beautiful, lucky you!
Modelwidow said…
Horace is lovely - bears should have character. I hope you are feeling suitably proud of him.
Sarah said…
Horace is adorable! What a great pattern.

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