First Flutterings of Flair

Isn't it funny how it is suddenly the right time for a project? I've been keen to knit Flair since I first saw the photos of it on Knit and Tonic and I've had the yarn and pattern for quite a while now. Last night I was ticking away on the Garter Rib Socks planning which pair of socks I wanted to do next and then suddenly I was struck with the urge to swatch for Flair. It doesn't really make sense to start now as I'm away again next week but I'm learning it's best to knit what you really fancy and then it flies along. I got gauge with the recommended needles and this Blue Skys Cotton is just sooooooo soft I'm loving it.Off to read up on Cara's advice, and be inspired again by her finished Flair and then it's time for cast on :)

PS - Horace says thank you to everyone for complimenting him so thoroughly and asks me to advise that he will be available for autographs next month as he understands that his life is no longer his own now he's appearing in the Bears United gallery.


Charity said…
It's always so exciting to start a new project - I have a hard time making myself swatch, because I just want to get knitting! :0)
Sarah said…
I can't wait to see Flair. It's going to look so good in the colour you've chosen.
dreamcatcher said…
I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on Flair. That BSA cotton has been tempting me for a loooong time now :-)
Marianne said…
That's a beautiful colour, looking forward to this project.
Reckless Glue said…
good luck! That blue looks scrumptious --in retrospect Flair was an easy knit (well, it's always in retrospect, in't it?) but for us beginner knitters, a good project. I'm headin' out today to find different buttons for mine. :)
acrylik said…
Oooh, love the colour you have chosen for Flair, it's going to look gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing progress on it.

Well done, Horace!
Dipsy Doodle said…
Awww - Flair is going to look so gorgeous in this pretty colourway! Looking forward to seeing more of it!

Dipsy D.
Artis-Anne said…
Oh look forward to seeing WIP and you are a good girl doing a swatch : says she was hasn't for her latest WIP :(

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