Lady Day (of Reckoning)

One of my non-resolutions for the new year was to keep a check on yarn acquisition v usage with the aim that I use more than I stash this year. It seems fitting to do my first batch of stash accounting on the first of the quarter days of the year, and I'm feeling just a little like a smug over achiever as I have knit notably more than I have bought so far this year.

KnitGlobal - 300m
RYC Cashsoft - 174m
Mam a Mi -430m - a stowaway from 2008 which didn't get counted in the final reckoning as it was hidden away to become a surprise pair of Christmas socks for the beloved. Surprise was that the elves never knit it. Until they do I shall stare happily at the amazing colours and pet the soft Shetland wool. This is from Anne and Kath's shop, talented ladies that they are.

So I make that 904 metres in.

Monkey Socks - 420 metres
Owl Mittens - 174 metres
Urchin - 100 metres
an Hourglass sock - 175 metres
the Half-Poms - 335 metres
Wedding Cushions - 700 metres
and the yet to be blogged about shrug -630 metres
lead to a satisfying 2534 metres knit so far this year.

The KnitMeter, combined with the data on yardage per ball from Ravelry are nice tools that make keeping a running total in metres less onerous than it might otherwise be.

While I don't imagine things will remain so much in the favour of the usage for the whole year this is an encouraging start. It feels nice to be using up some of the bounty. Maybe the answer to the question: 'when is your stash too large?' is when it starts to weigh you down. I definitely feel lighter in spirit when I see these numbers.


Rose Red said…
Oh that is great!! I only wish I could currently say the same!

That yarn is just gorgeous.
Caffeine Girl said…
You have every right to feel smug! I'm afraid to do the math at my house.
florencemary said…
Well done, you! Actually, I'm feeling quite smug too after seeing photos of people's stashes recently - although I almost passed out in longing, at the same time I felt quite chuffed at the thought of my own dinky stash.

Hey, who are I kidding? I want more stash!
Marianne said…
Yowza. Apparently I'll be one of the lazy 'keeping track' knitters, although I certainly can see the appeal :^)
Pretty colours in that yarn!
Anonymous said…
You are an inspiration to us all!

My numbers are not nearly as flattering.
Lea said…
oh well done. I may have to copy you.
raining sheep said…
Good for you. I am not buying ANY yarn this year...I know, HUGE sacrifice. But I have tons of stuff in the stash and I must use it up. Seems like you are on the right track.
dreamcatcher said…
Congrats on the stash diminishment! The Knitmeter is certainly a useful tool. I've knit more than 2 miles of yarn so far in '09, hopefully that is less than I have acquired :-)

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