Things I love that may or may not begin with the letter L

L is for love which is indeed something I love - thank you to Clarabelle for the inspiration and letter (and the very true words on how you think and think about things you love and then you think - yes- wool, wool I love wool, oh but that begins with a w). Ten things on the letter L proved to be a real challenge as the more I think about the letter the less I can think of words beginning with it (though letters are great both in the alphabet sense and those that arrive in the mail so I think that makes three things already).So 1) or in fact 4) L is for lemons - the smell of fresh lemon is one of my all time favourite scents - it's just so clean and refreshing, summery and full of light

and so

5)L is for light - oh how I love that the days are finally getting longer again here. The darkness is the hardest thing about winter for me

6)L is for lilacs and 7) lavendar and 8) lilies, three wonderful flowers with glorious scents - though I think I could find you a flower I love under any letter of the alphabet
9) L could be for life - but if you don't love life then I suspect you wouldn't be bothering with an inane meme on the letter L so I don't think it counts. Let's have London instead, an amazing city, and remember that if you're tired of London, you're tired of life (after more than a day in London that is often exactly how I feel).

10) Lions - well from a distance anyway - I'll stick to close ups with the domestic version but cats of all sizes and shapes are beautiful to me.
Yay ten! So no more L's but there is something else I would love - some bloggable knitting, my sock roulette sock is under wraps, my shrug is a pile of grey fluff and I thought I should probably restrain myself from showing you another shot of the cushion which has made little progress as I've been stuck into the sock. Soon there will be things to show - for the sock at least as it should have gone in the post yesterday - I'll stop the procrastinating and go knit already.


Marianne said…
Mmmm, lemons. I'm with you on all your 'L' items, well, except for that 'London' thing... having never actually been there ;^)
Oh how I love lemons!!! (I just bought a wee bag of Meyer lemons at market this morning :^)
Charity said…
I'm with Marianne on the lemons! And light! I'm all about the light these days, it's so good to see it returning... :o)
Rose Red said…
Oh London. I love London. Sigh, now I'm homesick for London (not that it was ever my home, but hopefully you know what I mean!)
Anonymous said…
Oh, that perfect, little, grey face! So sweet!
raining sheep said…
I am having such a crap time at work that my knitting is actually doing great because whenever I get totally stressed out I knit A LOT!
Bells said…
Oh I think that's what the problem was. I was tired of London and very tired of life, which was why I came home. I'd go back there and try again though.

Loverly post.
T. said…
Lemons are the most summery aren't they? I could use some of that as I gaze out at vast amounts of snow!
Anonymous said…
Love all your 'L's! And your kitty is too cute!
florencemary said…
Love your Ls, Sarah - it's oddly difficult, isn't it?! I can't believe that photo of your little 'lion' - I actually thought it was a toy, his/her face is so perfect!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I hope your Mum comes along tomorrow.

I agree with London. It's great but I must admit after a few days I look forward to the quieter pace of life in Cornwall.

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