Hey hey...

... Mr Sewing Machine I'm not scared of you any more! Thanks Mum!


Bells said…
Can you teach me how to not be scared and buy one?
Rose Red said…
Yeah, you should it who's boss!!
Lynne said…
My Nanna was a high quality upholsterer for most of her working life. She bought my sewing machine and taught me to use it. During this time, she told me that I could not really sew until I had sewn through my finger! I have never done so and, to this day, twenty years after her death, I still don't know if she was joking!

Have fun!
florencemary said…
Rather you than me! I was totally put off sewing machines in my teens, when we were forced to sew hideous A-line skirts at school.

Good luck though!
Marianne said…
Good for Mum!
That's a sweet old Singer!
Modelwidow said…
Haven't been by in while - my you've been busy. Those cushion covers are going to be so special. Glad you have won the mind battle over the sewing machine, especially a lovely old singer like that.
Swatches too? you are being a good girl, as for what to do with them, I would sew them together to make a blanket/throw (well I would if I actually knit swatches !!!)
raining sheep said…
Hey you are sewing!!Awesome. I am actually buying a new sewing machine next month! A good one! Not like the crappy one I have right now!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful sewing machine, you'll be having lots of fun!
I love your sewing machine! It's lovely. My Mum is very good at sewing but refuse to teach me until now. So I'm learning at the moment. Thanks for reminding me that my sewing machine exist, I have used it for a while now.

Anonymous said…
I am SO jealous! I would love to have an old Singer machine.
blog-blethers said…
I'm still a fraidy cat! It took me a WHOLE year to make a school skirt in what was called Domestic Science lessons in the dark ages!
Sarah said…
You do know that this has opened up a whole new world of craft expenditure. You now have to begin to lust after Amy Butler fabrics!
I love your machine by the way - I have a very modern white one that doesn't have half the personality of yours.
Anonymous said…
wow, you're brave. I'm terrified of sewing machines and they don't like me at all.

I've nominated you for an award. May not manage to finish blog post tonight though so check it out tomorrow.
Kyoko said…
Excellent! One of my friends gave me the antique sewing machine very similar to yours. The shape of the bobbin was totally different and I was so scared to use it... I am very impressed!

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