Three things

1) If you're thinking of making a donation to help those affected by the devastating fires in Victoria then this is the place for you to visit: Serendipity

2) If you haven't got it already and you can get your hands on a copy of the spring Interweave Knits - DO! For the glory that is the The Florist Knits collection - SO many beautiful pieces - I don't think I've ever liked so many patterns from one collection before. The two cardigans, fabulous scarf and shawl I want to cast on for NOW.

3) If you were me this weekend you'd be a very lucky lady. Cushion the first is knit and number two is underway. Mama is visiting this weekend with her sewing machine so I will have some tuition on how to back them. (And someone to shop with for the yarns for the Florist Knits).

May your weekends be as wonderful.


Kelly said…
Oh, good. I hope my spring IK is waiting for me when I get home! I can't wait to check out those patterns.

The first cushion is looking lovely.
Rachel said…
Lovely patterns indeed in the new IK! I must say, your cushion is looking fabulous!
Charity said…
Mmmm, I'm looking forward to seeing the new IK - it's always a bit slow to arrive up here. I can't wait to see your finished cushion! :o)
Marianne said…
YES to the IK Spring issue!
Cushion is looking lovely!
Sarah said…
That does sound like a lovely weekend and it means that we get to see the finished cushion soon!
raining sheep said…
Oh goodness! that knit is looking very, very good. I am knitting all weekend this weekend. The man is going ice climbing, Monday is a holiday here and it's very cold outside and snowing like crazy.
Lea said…
oh that sounds like a wonderful weekend.

I spent some of mine knitting squares and learning to crochet them together for the bushfire survivors. it feels good to do something.

the rest was moving concrete, and more concrete. ho hum
twigletqueen said…
Looking forward to seeing the finished cushions :D
I love the new IK too, I really want to knit the Petal Halter. And the Diminishing Rib Cardigan. Ooh, and the Parker Cardigan. Oh God, too many!
Anonymous said…
Your weekend sounded lovely! I'm off to find an IK now, I don't always buy it, but I agree, lots of cute patterns in this one!
Anonymous said…
I'm waiting for my IK to arrive in the mail - very impatiently. I think this issue is gorgeous, too!! :)
Anonymous said…
Better get to the newsagent tomorrow.

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